Duty of Managers/Assistant Superintendents/Head Sorting assistants/Supervisors at Mail Offices/First Class sorting centres: It would be crucial for the leadership and supervisory officials at Mail Offices to develop a complete understanding of how the network has been redesigned keeping into mind the end-to-end perspective At the same time the focus kept around the processes the units/areas of activity they are leading. For example, each Mail Office manager must understand the section on "Mail Office processes" to be able to supervise and guide his/her staff and at the same time, should also know and have an overview about how Mail Motor Schedules are worked out.
Came into effect from Existing Mail offices prior to were classified into Level 1 (L1) and Level 2 (L2) Mail Offices There are 89 L1 and 244 L2 Mail Offices through out the Country.
| India Post Redesigned Network for First Class Mail 4 SOURCE: Mail Network Optimisation Project Mail flows Post Office Level-1 sorting centre Level-2 sorting centre
| India Post Level-1 sorting centres exchange mail with each other Level-2 sorting centres exchange mail only with the level-1 sorting centre to which they are mapped Level-2 sorting centres may exchange mail with other level-2 sorting centres under the same level-1 sorting centre to which they are mapped. Post Offices exchange mail only with the sorting centre (level-1 or level-2) to which they are mapped
What type is your Mail Office? L1 or L2?
Recollect Your office will receive the following bags from Post Offices mapped to your office. TD bags (separate for unregistered and registered) Non TD bags (separate for unregistered and registered)
L1 Mail Office If your office is a L1 Mail Office, the following bags will be closed Direct bags to all the remaining L1 Mail Offices L2 Mail Offices mapped to your mail office Post Offices mapped to your mail office
Your Office will receive the following bags From all the remaining L1 Offices From all the L2 Mail Offices mapped to your mail Office Post Offices mapped to your Mail Office L1 Mail Office
L2 Mail Office If your office is a L2 Mail Office, the following bags will be closed L1 Mail Office, to which your mail office is mapped If needed, to other L2 Mail Offices mapped to your L1 Mail Office If needed, to other L1 or L2 Mail Offices of the same Circle or neighbouring Circles Post Offices mapped to your mail office
Your office will receive the following bags From your mapped L1 Mail Office From all the Post Offices mapped to your Mail Office From the other L2 Mail Offices of your L1 Mail Office if prescribed. L2 Mail Office