The Power of Public Speaking “A person who forms a judgement on any point but cannot explain it clearly might as well never have thought at all on the subject.” -Pericles Effective public speaking empowers us to make a difference in things that matter to us!
You may not think so now, but the need for public speaking will almost certainly touch your life. High school and college presentations Best man or maid-of-honor speech at a friend’s wedding Eulogy at a loved one’s funeral Speaking before city council (or another body of authority) about something affecting you or your family Various job-related reasons/opportunities for speaking
WE ALL WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! An effective speech can - and often does - make a difference in the things we care about. Remember: It is empowering!
Public speaking offers 3 possibilities for making a difference: persuade inform entertain Actually, these are the 3 major goals, or purposes, of both public speaking and everyday conversation!
Public Speaking vs. Everyday Conversation Public Speaking Both Conversation highly structured organized thoughts details not planned planned with detail tailored to audience slang, jargon uses formal language told for max impact not polished formal posture will adapt to feedback casual posture clear diction vocalized pauses
Plan Plan Plan! Practice Practice Practice! The first thing you must do to engage an audience is to be well-prepared. Plan and organize what you want to say Make clear points and support them well Practice your delivery
Make sure your planning includes methods for engaging your audience. There are many methods that are effective, but not all are appropriate for every situation. Always consider your specific audience, your topic, and your purpose.
To engage your audience ... You must be engaged and interested in them! You can physically demonstrate your interest in them by the way you prepare and present yourself to them. There are several physical things that will help you make a good impression and demonstrate your interest.
You must also show you are engaged in your topic! You can do this by using a variety of literary devices to make your delivery more interesting and memorable. Give them something to think about while you speak, and to remember afterword!
Some well-known methods to use: Physical Good posture Confident manner Eye contact Strong, steady voice Variety in rate and pitch Movement Attitude Literary Alliteration Analogies, metaphors Repetition and rhythm Saying it in “threes” Personal experience Brief stories, anecdotes Humor (when appropriate)
In conclusion ... A speech is more than getting up in front of people to talk. It is a way to communicate important ideas. It is a way to make a difference in things that matter to you. It is empowering! But the power is lost if the audience is not engaged!