Adapting coursebooks to foster creativity Willy Cardoso
Language brain embodiment cognition culture Consciousness society history embodiment Consciousness brain
What do you need to speak a language well? grammar | vocabulary | pronunciation reading | listening | speaking | writing motivation | fluency | confidence intercultural awareness | positive mindset learner autonomy | study skills
Reversals Rewrite the story so that it conveys the opposite message Make the characters more ‘real’ e.g. bad mood, unsuccessful
Other ideas Change the order of the unit(s) so you do the hardest things first. Each group is responsible for a section of the unit, then they present it to the class Use colour codes (e.g. yellow for most interesting/important things; red for difficult areas, etc)
Reading between the lines Write three questions the text does not answer?
New English File Intermediate Student’s Book (OUP), p. 12.
New English File Intermediate Student’s Book (OUP), p. 13.
New English File Intermediate Student’s Book (OUP), p. 13.
Convergence and consensus
reproduce ‘correct’ concept = learning concept: ‘unknown’ Teacher Book Student test define the concept transmit the concept study the concept reproduce ‘correct’ concept = learning
Concept development
Applying Socratic Questioning
PARSNIPs Politics Alcohol Religion Sex Isms Pork