RESEARCH METHODOLOGY – EXPLORING RESEARCH FUNDAMENTALS Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019 SANDEEP SHASTRI Pro Vice Chancellor, Jain A Deemed to be University
FRAMEWORK 930-1100 Introduction to Research Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019 930-1100 Introduction to Research 1115-1245 Research Question and Research Objectives 1330 – 1500 Research Design 1515- 1600 Undertaking Review of Literature
From My side From your side Method Facilitator Provide a Framework Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019 Method Facilitator Provide a Framework From My side Unbounded Energy Unrestricted Involvement Unlimited Questions From your side
Session 1 Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019 Session 1
What is Research??? Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME
Popular Dictionary Definition Noun The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. IMPLICATIONS ……. VERB.. Investigate systematically IMPLCATIONS …… Popular Dictionary Definition Creating `new` knowledge Can one `create` new knowledge Using `existing` knowledge WHAT IS THE FOCUS OF RESEARCH Why does all Research have to begin with an interesting research question? Taking it Forward Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME
What is Research Broadest sense – SEARCH FOR KNOWLEDGE Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Broadest sense – SEARCH FOR KNOWLEDGE How does this happen? Content in Context Methodology Focus Gathering of data, information and facts for the advancement of knowledge Performing a methodical study in order to answer (a) specific question/s
What is Research The Importance of Procedure and Processes Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME The Importance of Procedure and Processes Journey as important as destination The focus on interpretation – subjectivity vs objectivity The researchers perspective
Steps in the Research Process Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Formulation of the research topic Defining what one wishes to investigate Hypothesis Gathering of data Analysis of data Interpreting of Data , Testing hypothesis Conclusions
Research Question and Research Objectives SESSION II Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Research Question and Research Objectives
Why have a Research Question Analysing our Research Question Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019 Objectives Why have a Research Question Analysing our Research Question Clarifying issues relating to aligning Title, Objectives and Methodology
The Research Question Providing a Focus – Defining the Investigation Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME The Research Question Providing a Focus – Defining the Investigation Setting Boundaries Providing Direction
Research Question helps in Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Research Question helps in Defining the Topic - A Clear Focus Defining the Nature of the Research Defining Issues that one is Interested in Defining the Relationship between Concepts
There are Questions of Boundary Management Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME There are Questions of Boundary Management What does this have to do with my Research Question? Actually Nothing!!! It is Very Relevant Actually Nothing .....Really!
My Research Question and my Creativity Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME My Research Question and my Creativity Discovery consists in seeing what every one else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought Albert Szent Gvorgi Concept Mapping Thinking Laterally and Linearly Brainstorming, Drawing Concepts and Building Themes Converting Research Questions into Testable Research Hypothesis
Linking the three steps Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Research Question Narrow/ Clarity GENERATING QUESTIONS Finding An Angle Deciding the Topic Creativity/ Curiosity
Is there a perfect alignment Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019 Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Is there a perfect alignment Title – does it reflect my work Objectives - clearly defined Research Questions and Hypothesis Methodology
Framing of the title Will undergo changes Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019 Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Framing of the title Flexibility Will undergo changes Focus Does it capture the study you propose to do Framework Title , Sub title
Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019 Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME SESSION I I I
Entrenched At The Centre 9/9/2019 Entrenched At The Centre Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME RESEARCH DESIGN WORK PLAN RESEARCH METHOD
A Research Design Should…. Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Research needs a design or a structure Not similar to work plan; Work Plan flows from the Research Design Research design ensures that the evidence obtained enables us to answer our Research Question Research design `deals with a logical problem, not a logistical problem' A Research Design Should…. Clue – Below R
Research Design & Method Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Separating Method from DATA COLLECTION Method cannot be equated to design Research method deals with ways of data collection Logic of Research design is not dependent on the method of data collection CLUE : ABOVE
Capturing Research Questions Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Capturing Research Questions r Clue - first Researchers ask two fundamental types of research questions: What is going on (descriptive research)? Why is it going on (explanatory research)?
Descriptive Research Can Be Explained Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Descriptive Research Can Be Explained C What comes first Descriptive Research deals with “description of a situation” Good description is fundamental to the research enterprise It is vital to understanding issues Provokes the `why' questions of explanatory research On the negative side, description often degenerate into mindless gathering of information
E Explanatory Research Explanatory research focuses on why questions Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME E Explanatory research focuses on why questions Focus on Explanation Looks into Consequences It may be comparative or analytical Research Design is based on nature of Research
Elaborating on a few issues Raising a few Questions Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME What am I studying Why am I studying it Where will I be studying it What is the nature of data I need Where can that data be found What period of time will it take How do I collect the data How will I analyse it How will I present it Elaborating on a few issues E Raising a few Questions What, Why Where and How
H Flexible Appropriate Efficient Economical Minimum bias Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Characteristics of a Good Research Design Flexible Appropriate Efficient Economical Minimum bias Maximum reliability How do I test my Research Design H
SESSION IV Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Review of Literature
What is Literature Review Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Survey of available literature on the said area Putting together the information to outline a framework Critically analysing the articles and books read, showcasing the available theories and different points of view, reviewing available results Locating YOUR study in them
What purpose does Lit. Review serve? Showcases that the researcher is familiar with the body of knowledge available This helps to establish the credibility of researcher’s work Summarises already available research and shows how your study is linked to it Also shows how your study plans to contribute to the existing knowledge- raising issues and questions Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME
Review of Literature What is Literature Review? Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME What is Literature Review? How did I begin Literature Review? What am I looking for? What are the possible challenges that I may face?
Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME What an RoL is NOT It is NOT a book by book and article by article summary It is NOT a descriptive list of all that you have read It is NOT a survey of everything that has ever been written on the said topic
Things to Note Read prominent authors in the said area Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Read prominent authors in the said area Quoting important breakthroughs/ patents/ ideas/ debates in research area Certain historical events / laws/ movements/ inventions can be included if they have changed the way people thought about the topic
Critical Analysis of Articles Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME If research study: how robust are the basic components of the study? How accurate and valid are the measurements? Is the analysis of the data accurate and relevant to the research question? Are the conclusions based upon the data and analysis? How does the author structure the argument? Does the flow of the argument appear logical (e.g., in establishing cause-effect relationships)? In what ways does the book or article contribute to our understanding of the problem under study, and in what ways is it useful for practice? What are the strengths and limitations? How does this book or article relate to the specific thesis or question I am developing?
Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019Monday, September 09, 2019 Faculty Dialogue Programme, ISME Questions Comments