Get Out Your Packet that We Started Last Class It’s ALMOST Friday! Get Out Your Packet that We Started Last Class
Types of Numbers Real Integers Complex Whole Rational Natural Irrational
Vocabulary Review
Graph the Following: 2+3i 4-3i 2i -1+0i
Simplify completely −12 −25 −7 Explain why −64 ≠− 64
Graphing in Complex # Plane
Graphing in Complex # Plane
Adding & Subtracting Complex #s (7-2i)+(-3+i) (1+5i)-(3-2i)
Adding & Subtracting Complex #s (8+6i)-(8-6i) (-3+9i)+(-3+9i)
Multiplying Complex #s (7i)(3i) (2-3i)(4+5i)
Multiplying Complex #s (-4+5i)(-4-5i) (3+2i)(7-i)(4i)
Pattern in the Powers of i
Dividing Complex #s 5−2𝑖 3+4𝑖 4−𝑖 6𝑖
Dividing Complex #s 5−4𝑖 5+4𝑖