Seeking participants for our research program into ‘voice hearing’ Do you experience voices? Seeking participants for our research program into ‘voice hearing’ If you experience AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS Our research involves one or more of the following: Discussing your experiences of ‘hearing voices’ Discussing childhood history Cognitive/IQ tests Self-help approaches and/or psychological therapies √ Are aged between 18 to 65 AND… √ Have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder OR … √ Have no significant history of mental illness and do or do not hear voices We would like to hear from you. Sessions at Spectrum, Eastern Health, 110 Church St Richmond or Swinburne University of Technology, Burwood Road, Hawthorn, or the hospital you were recruited from. You will be given $50 cash in appreciation of your time. (version 5, dated 23 Dec 2016) For more information or to participate, please contact: Zalie Merrett (principal investigator) on 0488 781 093 or email