year one.
Pillar - $10,000 Seventh Day Slumber - $4,000 Worship (MGB) - $5,000 including airfare Total for Bands - $19,000 Production - $3,500 Secrest - $7,000 New Technology - $6,500 Marketing, Hotels, Airfare, Food, Merch, equip./props and printed materials - $11,000 Total Cost - $47,000 OFFERING - $18,000 Debt - $3,000
year two.
KJ-52 - $5,000 Nevertheless - $2,500 Me In Motion - $750 Worship (MGB) - $5,000 not including airfare Total Bands - $13,250 Savings from year one - $5,750 Production - $4,000 Secrest - $5,000 Marketing, Hotels, Airfare, Food, Merch, Equip./Props and Printed Materials - $13,000 Total Cost - $36,000 OFFERING - $10,000 Debt - $4,000 Savings from year one - $11,000
Keep It Louder. Me In Motion, John Reuben, Production, Hotels, Marketing, Food and other - $2,000 Debt - $1,000
Youth Fundraisers - Yard Sale, Poinsettias, Cans, Beverages AND youth budget - starting at a positive $1,000 this year – in the black.
THE RESTORATION. AWAKE. Sanctus Real, Addison Road, Me In Motion, Above the Golden State and speaker Sammy Adebiyi - $6,000 Worship (Hearts of Saints) - $2,000 Total Bands - $8,000 Total Savings from year 2 - $5,250 Total Saving from year 1 - $11,000 Production - $4,000 Secrest - $5,000 Marketing, Hotels, No Airfare, Food, Merch, Equip./Props and Print. Materials - $10,000 Projected Total Cost - $27,000 OFFERING - Goal - $10,000 Debt - PLEASE GOD NONE!!!!! Savings from Year Two - $9,000 Savings from Year One - $20,000
Hearts of Saints – You Tube Hearts of Saints – Website Sanctus Real – Whatever You’re Doing Music Video Sanctus Real – The Face Of Love Me In Motion – Losers Addison Road – Hope Now Above The Golden State – Gaze Into Your Eyes
January 31st – Tickets Available here at New Hope - $20.00 February 1st – Ticket Sales Begin & Website is Launched Tickets – February 1st through March 21st - $20.00 March 22nd through THE DOOR - $25.00 Group Special - 1 FREE For Every 15 Purchased February 7th – Church Offering Now – word of mouth, facebook status, facebook profile pictures