Posterior sternoclavicular dislocation in 16-year-old man. A Posterior sternoclavicular dislocation in 16-year-old man. A. Chest radiograph reveals asymmetric alignment of the bilateral sternoclavicular joints and slightly inferior displacement of the medial end of right clavicle (arrow). B. Contrast enhanced axial CT scan (bone setting) shows posterior dislocation of the right sternoclavicular joint (arrow) and mild compression of the right brachiocephalic artery and vein by the displaced clavicle end. C, D. Contrast-enhanced CT scans (mediastinal setting) shows a small amount of hematoma in the right paratracheal region and mild displacement of trachea to the left, but no definite evidence of extravasation of contrast material. E. Coronal volume-rendered image shows posterior dislocation of the right sternoclavicular joint (arrow). Fig. 1. Posterior sternoclavicular dislocation in 16-year-old man. A. Chest radiograph reveals asymmetric alignment of the bilateral sternoclavicular joints and slightly inferior displacement of the medial end of right clavicle (arrow). B. Contrast enhanced axial CT scan (bone setting) shows posterior dislocation of the right sternoclavicular joint (arrow) and mild compression of the . . . J Korean Soc Radiol. 2015 Feb;72(2):128-130.