E G B K F I A L H C J D Light from a banana reflects into your eyes Light passes through the iris and lens G Rod and cone photoreceptors are stimulated, thus starting an action potential B Na channels open K Na+ ions diffuse into the neuron F K channels open I K+ ions diffuse out of the neuron A Action potential arrives at the axon terminal L Vesicles fuse with the cell membrane H Neurotransmitters diffuse across the synapse C Neurotransmitters arrive on dendrite receptors J The process repeats D
Inside this envelope are the mixed/random steps that must occur in order to see a banana sitting on a table. As a team, arrange the steps in order from start to finish. When finished, please place all the strips back into the envelope. Inside this envelope are the mixed/random steps that must occur in order to see a banana sitting on a table. As a team, arrange the steps in order from start to finish. When finished, please place all the strips back into the envelope.