OpenOLS & OpenDevice Overview Stephane St-Laurent System Architecture Dec 3, 2018
Agenda Telecom Infra Project Overview OpenDevice Model OpenOLS Model
Open Optical Packet Transport (OOPT) TIP OOPT WG Evolution “We are creating a new approach to building and deploying telecom network infrastructure.” Access Backhaul Core & Mgmt TCLs TIP Community Labs TEACs TIP Ecosystem Acceleration Centers OOPT E2E Testbed Open Optical Packet Transport (OOPT) mmWave OLS CANDI New (Converged Architectures for Network Disaggregation & Integration) C-API Controls, Info Models and APIs (CIMA?) Voyager Cassini DNP Platforms DTC Physical Simulation Environment (PSE) Disaggregated Network Platforms (DNP) New Disaggregated Cell Site Gateways (DCSG) New-ish Odyssey
CIMA Mission Statement & Approach Drive practical, multi-vendor implementations supporting operator-driven open optical use cases. Approach: Participate in and align closely to use case working group Define a recommended set of control architectures, information models and APIs to enable focused implementation efforts and progress toward real-world deployment Leverage best existing ideas from the industry, including ONF, OIF, MEF, Open ROADM, OpenConfig, etc. Select a preferred subset for implementation focus Develop contributions to enhance existing models/APIs, as needed to enable practical implementations Focus on near-term feasibility for simplest, base use cases AND allow for increasingly complex and sophisticated use cases (multi-domain, multi-layer, multi-channel, E2E automation of planning, power control, restoration, etc.) Drive open multi-vendor interoperability demonstrations aligned to the target use cases and recommendations Develop TIP OOPT testbed Drive toward concrete, incremental milestones and expand in phased approach
Industry Progress on Info Models & APIs (Objective) OpenOLS, OpenDevice Alignment CIM TAPI 2.0, 2.1, … TAPI 2.0 Interop Demo ~Alignment ODTN 1.0, 1.5, 2.0… Transponder Control
Multi-vendor OLS POC – TIP Summit 2017 Architecture can be adapted to all expected use cases
Multi-vendor OLS POC – TIP Summit 2017 Global View | ROADM Degrees + Line Amplifiers Open OLS Yang Model Definition Open OLS Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition Very short: This is the Topology View that expose the OpenOLS model Abstraction Layer (OpenOLS) Nodal View: ROADM Degree and Optical Transmission Line ILA Supports connection of a media channel (single or multi-carrier)
Objective I Define a model that is: Based on standard model or/and use standard concept Is generic enough to be widely deployed across multiple product (Integrator/Component) Support Centralized/Distributed/Hierarchical Power Control in Controller/Manual mode Implementation that support Access/Metro/Regional/Long-Haul/Subsea Can be push into open source as model (and may be a reference to improve other standard model) Ex: ONF TAPI, ONF ODTN, ONF CIM, MEF, ITU-T (through ONF), OpenROADM. OpenConfig Agnostic to implementation/composition Can be automated for instantiation through schema, scripting, etc
Objective II Support those 3 concepts
Objective III System Knowledge No System Knowledge OpenOLS (YANG) Abstract layer that receive intent but understand the recipient of the intent Composition Describe that F = E(F1)+ E(F2) No System Knowledge OpenDevice (YANG) Low level API that exposes basic optical function and their specifications Schema: This is a declarative model (description of what is offered)
Where it come from What it is Why we want standardization OpenDevice Where it come from What it is Why we want standardization
OpenDevice Root Annex 4 of CIM model (ONF) by Nigel Davis (CIENA) OpenConfig Configuration & State separation YANG base Simplicity Lumentum Model Practical Optical Component based Based on Optical Function Card Composition (Local scope, not system scope) OpenROADM Device model Composition Power Control model (Metro based) Several other Component Vendor model Finisar (WSS), Oplink Discussion, II-VI
OpenDevice | Equipment Optical Function Construct Schema ROADM-Degree opendevice-schema Includes: equipment, ports, functions, inter-connections System IN Line OUT WSS Mux Primitives opendevice-wss System OUT Line IN WSS DeMux opendevice-edfa opendevice-voa Line-Amp opendevice-power-monitor opendevice-channel-monitor Line IN Line OUT opendevice-equipment opendevice-equipment:port Line OUT Line IN Includes: Control, Operational State, & Specification
Basic Forwarding Construct The filter models the ability to allow only those photons that are within in a defined portion of spectrum to be passed. The filter is described as a media channel and is represented by an FC. The portion of the spectrum is called a frequency slot and is described by centre frequency and width. Frequency slot is an administrative concept and is conceptually square. The actual pass-band of the filter is not square. The frequency slot and pass band relationship is challenging and not covered here. A single port of a filter can support more than one media channels (see later). As the filter is represented by an FC the characteristics are expressed in an FcSpec (see TR-512.7). The model (and symbol set) allows for a tuneable attenuator.
Coupler/Splitter The Coupler/Splitter provides a set of atomic media channels between one (common) port and two or more other (branch) ports. All of these atomic media channels have the same frequency slot. In the root to leaf direction the "splitter" attenuates the signal, in the leaf to root direction the "coupler" attenuate the signal. Coupler and Splitter with Filter could be combined
OpenDevice: Specialization Expose: Configurable Control Function Operational State Optical Specification Optical Specification example EDFA Operating Spectrum Gain Masks Tilt Masks Noise Figures WSS Attenuation Range Min/Max Channel Width Timeslot Granularity
Sensor (PD and Channel Monitor) No loss Bounded in Frequency FCM: 2 modes channel-monitor Status only List of frequency slot with power flex-channel-monitor Configurable (SMC that contains NMC) Use lower and upper frequency Status could provide detected signal
EDFA Bounded in frequency Optical Control model (Gain or Power) Enabled/Disabled Target Gain / Target Tilt Target Power Gain Range Selection
Wavelength Selective Switch (WSS) Bounded in frequency List of Connection (SMC passband) with source/destination port Connection could be blocked (True/False) Define by lower/upper frequency Control mode selection Direct: OpenLoop Power: Adjust to the target power value Attenuation: Adjust to the target attenuation Frequency Slot: Relative attenuation in the passband that is divided by the value associated to the device frequency slot granularity
VOA Control: Direct Attenuation Power Blocked (True/False)
RAMAN (backard) Apply the gain to the ingress fiber Bounded in frequency (C, L or C+Lband) Optical Control model (Direct only) Enabled/Disabled Target Gain / Target Tilt Need fiber type Point-Lost offset
OpenDevice: optical-control-mode Forwarding Construct (FC) are defined by passband (lower-frequency, upper-frequency) Forwarding Construct (FC) expose a transfer function that could be fixe or configurable, when configurable, it contain an optical-control-mode (direct-control, gain-attenuation-control, power- control) In direct-control, there is no sensor required since it operate in open-loop In gain-attenuation-control, there is an ingress and an egress sensor since the device operate in close-loop control. The control-loop could be enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF). The sensors are part of the device schema and, if required, are configured by the device itself. In power-control, there is an egress sensor since the device operate in close-loop control. The control-loop could be enabled (ON) or disabled (OFF). The sensor is part of the device schema and, if required, is configured by the device itself.
OpenDevice Use Config Section Use State Section ( to reflect the config section and to provide operational stte) Include a reference to a specification Include a Base and a System Section (Manual/Automatic control model)
Power Monitoring
OPM in ITU Optical Power Measurement is define in ITU to monitor the total power associated to media channel, its mean that it is bound to select spectrum
OPM Location Most implementation translate the location of the measurement point to a location at the demarcation point close to the pin (port) This provides the best performance for EDFA gain and relate to the specification of the equipment OpenROADM and Facebook TIP use that location for OPM
Base Model Need to monitor the power for each of the media channel
Model 1 (not good) Could be represented using tap coupler and pin monitor in the FC chain The implementation normally assume that the pin monitor is compensated to the demarcation point but this could not be obvious to deduct In this implementation, it is not the right spectrum that is monitored Not good, measurement is bound to media channel spectrum
Model 2 In this implementation, the OPM reflect the power associated to the spectrum. It is the optical power seen in the media channel Again, translation is required to present the information at the demarcation point
Proposal to define FC to represent PD Sensor PD Sensors FC contain filtered Pin Monitor The FC expose no loss from the input to the output with translation (Other FC will be included to represent effective lost where it should be present in the schema) It contain list of OPM with spectrum definition They could be place in the FC chain where we want to see the measurement FC port of other FC can delegate their measurement to that PD Sensor
PD Sensor The FC port were the media channel start delegate the measurement to the PD Sensor FC The sensor is located to the wanted point of measurement It present a Band Power measurement
Flex Channel Monitor Sensor Possible Location for Channel Monitor Only requirement from ITU is to detect if an NMC is present to feed the OTSiA OAM For Control, it will be preferable to report SMC and NMC at the Demarcation point
Band Monitor (SMC and NMC) The SMC/NMC power need to be consistent with their client server relation. It could be translated to the demarcation point Reported Power is spectrum bounded
OPM Monitor location
OPM The TAPI stack expose CTP and TTP, those CEP present OPM package and the location could be referred into the Optical FC Schema (OpenDevice Schema in Facebook TIP) The OPM stack maintain the OPM validity because of the client-server relationship
OpenDevice Data Model (YANG)
opendevice-edfa (example) List of edfa Control: gain/power, tilt Gain-range selection Enabled State ingress-sensor egress-sensor psd-ase-actual-mc-band
opendevice-voa (example) List of voas Control Direct, Attenuation, Power Blocked Ingress-sensor-ref Egress-sensor-ref State ingress-sensor egress-sensor
opendevice-wss (example)
OpenDevice Schema
OpenDevice Schema (The equipment detail) Describe what you are ! This is an equipment This is the list of my ports This is the list of my basic function This is how it is interconnected
OpenDevice Schema Each equipment has an OpenDevice schema List of ports List of links with reference to equipment/port or device/port List of forwarding construct with fc-port Forwarding construct are recursive following the same model as CIM The forwarding construct have reference to OpenDevice model
CTRL: ROADM Degree and ILA
EDFA Example
OpenDevice Schema Model YANG Data model to be provided later We are currently editing it
Specification Gain Mask
Gain mask Example of switched-gain EDFAs (low & high gain) Simple gain mask defines valid operating regions: Normal (controlled tilt) Extended gain (uncontrolled tilt) No additional mask features (e.g. drop down regions) We can represent the gain mask using two complex polygons Normal: ((x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4), (x5,y5)) Extended: ((x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x5,y5), (x6,y6)) Diagonal line represents the current gain setting We can project the min/max points of this gain line onto the x-axis. This gives the allowed input power range for the current set gain (x6, y6) (x5, y5) (x4, y4) Normal gain Extended gain GEDFA = yi – xi Output Power (dBm) (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) Input Power (dBm)
Gain mask validation: Simple example Example: Normal gain region validation We want to determine the valid range of input powers, for a given gain Gi: [Pin_min(Gi),Pin_max(Gi)] From the gain mask shape, we can determine the equation of max/mib Pin_min(Gi) = ((x3-x2)*(y2-Gi) - x2*(y3-y2))/((x3-x2)-(y3-y2)) Pin_max(Gi) = ((x4-x3)*(y3-Gi) - x3*(y4-y3))/((x4-x3)-(y4-y3)) Exceptions: In cases where the lines collapse to a single point (e.g. x2 == x3 AND y2 == y3), the above equations blow up due to DIV by 0. Need to force calculated power to: Pin_min(Gi) = x2 (or =x3) See next example for further details. Gi GEDFA_normal_min GEDFA_normal_max Valid input powers Pin_max(Gi) Pin_min(Gi) (x5, y5) (x4, y4) Output Power (dBm) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) Input Power (dBm)
Gain mask validation: complex example This example is analogous to the FRM-20X MUX EDFA gain mask Three regions: Normal ((x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4), (x5,y5)) Extended gain ((x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x5,y5), (x6,y6)) Drop-down ((x7,y7), (x7,y7), (x2,y2), (x1,y1)) 3 complex polygons can completely describe these regions for all supported gain values 4 points per polygon, two points for each gain setting Note how the triangle is defined to handle the point (x6, y6) (x5, y5) (x4, y4) Output Power (dBm) Extended gain Normal gain Extended gain (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) Drop-down Input Power (dBm) (x7, y7)
Gain mask validation: complex example Normal mask: ((x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4), (x5,y5)) Pin_min(Gi) = ((x3-x2)*(y2-Gi) - x2*(y3-y2))/((x3-x2)-(y3-y2)) Pin_max(Gi) = ((x5-x4)*(y4-Gi) - x4*(y5-y4))/((x5-x4)-(y5-y4)) Extended mask: ((x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x5,y5), (x6,y6)) Pin_min(Gi) = ((x2-x1)*(y1-Gi) – x1*(y2-y1))/((x2-x1)-(y2-y1)) Pin_max(Gi) = ((x6-x5)*(y5-Gi) – x5*(y6-y5))/((x6-x5)-(y6-y5)) Drop-down mask: ((x7,y7), (x7,y7), (x2,y2), (x1,y1)) Pin_min(Gi) = x7 Pin_max(Gi) = ((x2-x1)*(y1-Gi) – x1*(y2-y1))/((x2-x1)-(y2-y1)) Gi Pin_max(Gi) Pin_min(Gi) Gi Pin_max(Gi) Pin_min(Gi) (x6, y6) (x5, y5) (x4, y4) Output Power (dBm) Extended gain Normal gain Extended gain Gi Pin_max(Gi) Pin_min(Gi) (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) Drop-down Input Power (dBm) (x7, y7)
Example gain mask features y = x + GEDFA Some EDFA operate also with single extended gain drop-down It is map as a single region where 2 of the 4 points are similar In this example, there is 3 regions Single extended gain drop-down
Specification Tilt Mask Model
Tilt mask Mask#1 Mask#2 We can specify tilt with a tilt mask Based on the mask’s complexity, we break it down into two quadrilaterals (four-sided polygons) Projecting a valid Tilt range for gain setting Gi Slicing the mask with respect to the gain axis Mask1: ((x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x4,y4), (x5,y5)) Mask2: ((x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x3,y3), (x4,y4)) Allowed tilts in Mask1: Tiltmax = ((y5-y4)/(x5-x4))*(Gi-x4) + y4 Tiltmin = ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*(Gi-x1) + y1 Allowed tilts in Mask1: Tiltmax = ((y4-y3)/(x4-x3))*(Gi-x3) + y3 Tiltmin = ((y2-y1)/(x2-x1))*(Gi-x1) + y1 Tiltmax(Gi) Tiltmin(Gi) Tiltmax(Gi) Tiltmin(Gi) (x5, y5) (x4, y4) (x3, y3) Mask#1 Mask#2 Tilt (dB) (x1, y1) (x2, y2) EDFA Gain (dB)
Specification Noise Figure Model
Gain vs. NF curves Gain vs. NF curves can be used to estimate amplifier performance at the current operating condition (gain & tilt) NF is tilt dependent Options for modelling: Highest level Use max NF spec across all tilts for a single curve High level Use NF spec data points and curve fitting for different tilts Lowest level Use mfg. test data stored in EEPROM + aging margin to estimate actual HW performance over life Tilt1 (x1, y1) Tilt2 NF (dB) Tilt3 (x2, y2) (x3, y3) (x4, y4) (x5, y5) Gain (dB)
Specification ASE Model
ASE Model Current model is to provide ASE at Run-time EDFA can be query to retrieve ASE as a PSD value Raman can be query to retrieve ASE as PSD values Unit: mW/nm
Where it come from What it is Why we want standardization OpenOLS Where it come from What it is Why we want standardization
OpenOLS root OpenOLS root are the CIM model after it went to refactoring to produce TAPI Provides an abstraction model Layer Agnostic Support Model for different Service Connectivity, Topology, OAM. Equipment (next release), Resource management (Talking about it) Very Generic You could build anything (like in CIM model) Derive specialization from standard body (MEF, ONF, IEEE, ITU) Use conversational interface (CRUD) (Config is through RPC, not set) YANG model Work with Restconf, Netconf and YANG OpenROADM Give the node some specialization ROADM, DEGREE, SRG, ILA
Original Degree Base model use in Facebook POC Degree of a ROADM Operation: Connection Config Channel contains Carriers Use PSD Start, stop frequency Composition
Multi-vendor OLS POC – TIP Summit 2017 Global View | ROADM Degrees + Line Amplifiers Open OLS Yang Model Definition Open OLS Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition OpenDevice Yang Model Definition Very short: This is the Topology View that expose the OpenOLS model Abstraction Layer (OpenOLS) Nodal View: ROADM Degree and Optical Transmission Line ILA Supports connection of a media channel (single or multi-carrier)
To This: ROADM Node C&L Stack
Simple Connection (Single Carrier) Operational View of a connection Full abstraction model A connection in a ROADM node
More Complex Connection (Multi-Single Carrier) OTSiA Multiple SMC with single NMC
More Complex Connection (Multi-Carrier) OTSiA SMC with multiple NMCs
OLS Controller (NE) Use refactored TAPI (simplified since declarative connectivity-service, topology, connectivity, OAM) Expose ROADM node with encap-topology Or Directly Degree node for disaggregated NE Contain Composition (Node that represent equipment) Expose OpenDevice to provide optical power control
Photonic Media Definition Media Channel: optical spectrum bandwidth between end points in the photonic layer Network Medial Channel (NMC): continuous optical spectrum between end points in the photonic layer to represent the optical spectrum intended to carry a signal Service Media Channel (SMC): continuous optical spectrum between end points in the photonic layer obtain through optical filter that serve NMC (optionally SMC) Assembly: group of media channel (Network or Service Media Channel) managed as a single entity
SMC/NMC Service Media Channel (SMC) Network Media Channel (NMC) Continuous spectrum bandwidth define by lower and upper frequency Could be aligned on ITU grid (could be 6.25 GHz) Include guardband (could be 6.25 GHz and it is technology dependent) SMC are indivisible when using WSS technology (port to port where the NMC have to be routed together) SMC could contain 0 to n NMC SMC could be requested at a domain level to represent the contiguous spectrum offered by an optical domain Network Media Channel (NMC) Continuous spectrum bandwidth used to represent the signal component generated by an optical transmitter Define by center frequency and width or lower frequency and upper frequency Do no require to be aligned to ITU grid but are technology dependent (channel power monitor and transmitter capability) Should not overlap guard-band of SMC
Service Media Channel A service media channel (SMC) is define by the optical spectrum between its lower frequency and its upper frequency It contain guard bands (read only), a lowerGuardBand and an upperGuardBand, that represent a filter specification (will be define later) The constraint apply to the possible value for the lower and upper frequency
Network Media Channel A network media channel (associated to the signal spectrum) is define by the optical spectrum between its lowerFrequency and its upperFrequency It also provide a centerFrequency and its nmcSpectrumBandwidth The constraints apply to the centerFrequency value
NMC Power Measurement The measurement of the power need to be define by a bandwidth, It need to correlate between transponder (OTSi) and Optical Line System (NMC) The nmcSpectrumBandwidth is used to measure the power associated to the signal between the lower and upper frequency
NMC detail The transmitter (OTSi) own the accuracy of the signal center frequency so it could determine the required nmcSpectrumBandwidth (MHz) associated to the Network Media Channel (NMC)
Multi Carrier Detail When multiple NMC could be contain inside one SMC, a user should be able to pass information so the NMC could be adjacent, or with some spacing, to each others Adding some spectrum spacing could improve OSNR of the signal Note: This provides to the Path Computation Engine (PCE) the information needed to allocate the center frequency to the NMCs. The PCE must still maintain the constraint associated to the centerFrequency that is defined by the transponder (OTSi) specification
Parameter used for multi-carrier SMC Plan of Record (POR) Spacing between NMC could be passed using nmcAdditionalSpectrum or nonAdjacentNmcSpectrum. One parameter need to be agree on. The nonAdjacentNmcSpectrum give a better understanding to evaluate non linear impairment (NLI).
SMCs Constraint SMC spectrum do not overlap The SMC frequency of 2 adjacent SMCs could be however equal upperFrequency (uf) of SMC1 could be equal to the lowerFrequency (lf) of the adjacent SMC2
Media Channel Pool A media channel pool define the spectrum that is supported by the pool This is define as a list of MC pool specifications
Parameter for SMC Pool Specification The Media Channel Pool provides the supportableSpectum [lf, uf] parameter. This is to expose what the node-edge- point (NEP) pool is capable. Connection are between connection- end- point (CEP) and capability of the connection will be expose through constraint (gridType, granularity, etc) SMC CEP could be define from the pool supportableSpectrum but cannot extend outside the pool spectrum limit. The frequency value associated to the SMC CEP could be however equal to the limit of the pool spectrum.
Upper and Lower Frequency constraint related to SMC A forwarding domain can expose, through topology, the constrain associated to the SMC granularity for the lower and upper frequency The 2 examples on the left show case of granularity of 12.5 or 25 GHz
Connectivity Service: SMC/NMC OpenOLS use a declarative model for the connectivity service. It is not an “Intent” like in TAPI connectivity service. The connection has already been resolve by the PCE of the SDN controller or the PCE of GMPLS The number of SMC/NMC are known, the passband lower-frequency and upper- frequency are known, the references PHYSICAL sip and SMCA sip are known SMC only connectivity service request are used to preconfigure passband that will be used to contain SMC
Connectivity Services: SMCA/NMCA Facebook TIP YANG Model Demonstrated Connection are SMCA SMCA contains a list of SMC SMC contain a list of NMC Updated for TAPI (YANG) SMCA contains a list of NMCA pool (only 1 needed) NMCA pool contains the list of NMCA NMCA contains a list of NMC
Side by Side: Config and Operational
C and C+L (SMCA/NMCA/NMC not shown)
TIP Model vs New Model
Including Orchestrator and Multi-Domain Orchestrator Resolve Resource in the multi-domain Each SDN (OLS controller) manage their own domain L0 Power Controller manage interaction between domain