Traditional Membership Presented by Beverly Wilkes July 2019
Be Vibrant in Your Community
WHAT ARE YOUR CLUB STRENGTH’S Keep a list of great things your club does. What is your club best known for? Advertise Your Club Be Enthusiastic and excited and always talk Pilot. Strive to Achieve on your strengths and not weakness
DIVERSITY In age and race In Programs
HOW DO WE GET NEW MEMBERS? Appeal to Volunteers Be persistent Keep a list of potential members Plan exciting and fun meetings Do a service project for a meeting Share Pilot Share Pilot -- Make your share pilot fun & exciting
HOW DO WE GET NEW MEMBERS? Emphasize Service Always strive to be the best service organization in your community Talk Pilot Not only talk the talk but we must walk the walk
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle-Napelon Hill
Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain but all the happiness and growth occurs while your climbing it---Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom