Cinder Saves Christmas By: Janina
Cinder was a very cowardly little dog Cinder was a very cowardly little dog. She was afraid of many things: the washing machine, the toaster, the radio, the microwave…..she was even afraid of the little jingly toy that Layla, her owner, got her for her birthday!
Layla wasn’t sure what to do about Cinder Layla wasn’t sure what to do about Cinder. She had always wanted a puppy because all she had were Muffin and Pansy, her two cats. But Cinder was not a normal dog. Whenever Layla tried to play with Cinder in the backyard, Cinder would run back inside! Layla would try to play with her inside, but Cinder was afraid of all her toys!
All Cinder did all day was eat, sleep, and hide under the table All Cinder did all day was eat, sleep, and hide under the table. She was a fat little dog because she never played at all and ate all the scraps that Layla’s baby brother, Danny, would drop on the floor. Layla didn’t even try to play with Cinder anymore, since she was such a fat, lazy pup. Instead, she spent most of her time with Muffin and Pansy, who were always ready to play.
This made Cinder very sad and lonely This made Cinder very sad and lonely. “Oh, why can’t I be brave and fun, like Muffin and Pansy?” she thought sadly. “If only I could make poor Layla happy.”
Cinder sighed and looked outside. It was a cold Christmas Eve night Cinder sighed and looked outside. It was a cold Christmas Eve night. There was snow everywhere, even in the kitchen, wher Danny had tracked it in after he played outside. Cinder covered her fuzzy ears when she heard Mom yelling for Layla to get ready. They were g oing to go to the Christmas Eve Mass. Cinder watched the family get their coats on and drive off into the cold winter night.
She hung her head and walked into the living room to wait She hung her head and walked into the living room to wait. She lay down beneath the huge, sparkling Christmas tree, wedging herself between the brightly wrapped presents. Looking out the window, Cinder saw a shooring star pass across the clear night sky. Silently, the little dog wished with all her heart, “Let me be brave so that Layla can be proud of me.”
When the family came home, taking off their coats and shaking the snow from their boots, they all sat down in the living room to open their presents from each other. The sound of tearing paper scared Cinder, so she hid under the couch. When the packages were open, the family lit the Christmas wreath and sang Christmas Carols. Soon it was time for bed. After helping the children set out the milk and cookies for Santa, Mom and Dad gave them each a kiss goodnight and went upstairs to bed.
Cinder had just closed her eyes when she smelled something burning Cinder had just closed her eyes when she smelled something burning. Scared, she huddled down farther under the couch, not knowing what was happening. On the counter, one of the candles on the wreath had fallen off and landed on the pile of torn wrapping paper still on the floor! Cinder was frightened as she watched smoke rise from the pile of colorful paper. She cowered under the couch, thinking of Layla and the rest of the family upstairs.
“I have to do something. ” She thought “I have to do something!” She thought. Taking a deep breath, she wriggled out from under the couch and ran to the bottom of the stairs. She barked with all her might, trying to wake her family. “ARF! ARF! ARF! WAKE UP!” she barked and barked.
Dad came running down the stairs. “What is it, girl Dad came running down the stairs. “What is it, girl?” He asked, looking around. Suddenly, he noticed a small flame in the pile of discarded wrapping paper. Quickly taking a bucket of water, he poured the water on the paper, putting out the fire.
“Whew!” Dad said, scratching Cinder’s fuzzy ears. “That was close! Mom! Layla! Danny! Come here!” He called up the steps. Layla ran downstairs, followed by Mom, who was carrying Danny. “Is it Santa?” Layla asked hopefully. “No. Better! Cinder saved our Christmas!” Dad said. “There was a fire, but she woke me up just in time!” Layla and Danny ran to their little black dog, petting and stroking her and telling her what a good dog she was. ? ? ? ?
“I love you, Cinder!” She whispered. “You’re a brave dog after all!” The family all sat on the couch, too excited to sleep. Cinder jumped up with them, and Layla gave her a big dog. “I love you, Cinder!” She whispered. “You’re a brave dog after all!”
The End