KS4 Art Enrichment Creative, Performance and Media Arts Curriculum Map KS4 Art Enrichment Creative, Performance and Media Arts
Statement of intent Key Stage: 4 Subject: A&D Enrichment Academic Year: 2019-20
Subject: Art Enrichment Academic Year 2019-20 Curriculum Overview Key Stage: KS4 Subject: Art Enrichment Academic Year 2019-20 Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2 KS4 Customs and cultures Introduction, understanding assessment objectives Mask Oil Pastel Drawing accurately from direct observation Mask pen and wash Drawing line and mark marking Photomontage Creating an imaginative idea using photomontage Introduction to 3-dimensional art evaluating sculpture using descriptive language. Clay Sculpture To analyse the properties of wet, leather hard and dry clay Introduction to Portraiture Project understanding of Artist who explore their culture through portraiture. PORTRAITURE DRAWING A3 Still Life Project Students learn how to use oil paints to create texture while making their still life drawing. Mask Oil Pastel Drawing accurately from direct observation Assessment Teacher, peer and self-assessment during every lesson to help students refine and improve their work. Student to complete self assessment sheet for summer work. Peer evaluation of collage after 3 lessons WWW and EBI Teacher to assess half term homework with students in tutorials. Teacher assessment of project work for the Autumn term. Week by week peer and teacher assessment of self portrait. Teacher to give back grades and feedback for Portraiture Summer Exam