With high quality institutional accreditation Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation issued by the Ministry of National Education Resolution 23096 of December 15th, 2016 Bogotá D.C. - Colombia, February 2017
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Introduction The Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas is a public university financed by state resources, founded in 1948, located in Bogotá city – Colombia. Colombia - Bogotá Location
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Mission The democratization of access to knowledge to ensure, on behalf of the society and state participation, the social right to a higher education with criteria of excellence, equity and competitiveness through the generation and dissemination of knowledge and skills independently and vocation to the social and cultural development to contribute mainly to the progress of city- region of Bogotá and country. Vision National and international positioning for excellence in the construction of knowledge, knowledge and research of high impact for the solution of the problems of human development and sociocultural transformation, through the strengthening and dynamic, purposeful and relevant articulation of their university functions focused on participative, transparent and competitive management.
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Summary information 23.541 Undergraduate Students 2.868 Postgraduate Students 1790 Lectures 12 Campus 41 Ungraduate Programs 37 Postgraduate Programs 112 Research Groups
Academic Faculties UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Academic Faculties Science and Education Arts - ASAB Engineering Environment and Natural Resources Technology
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Arts - ASAB Ungraduate Programs: Art of Dancing Performing Arts Musical Arts Visual Arts Postgraduate Programs: Masters Arts Studies https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=42
Faculty of Science and Education UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Science and Education Ungraduate Programs: Bachelor in Biology Bachelor in Basic Education with emphasis in Social Science Bachelor in Basic Education with emphasis in Art Bachelor in Basic Education with emphasis in Humanities and Spanish Language Bachelor in Basic Education with emphasis in English Bachelor in Basic Education with emphasis in Mathematics Bachelor in Physics Bachelor in Childen´s Pedagogy Bachelor in Chemestry Mathematics https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=20
Faculty of Science and Education UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Science and Education Postgraduate Programs: Professional Specializations Human Development with an emphasis on Creativity and Affective Processes Education in Technology Education in Mathematics Education and Enviromental Management Management of School Project Childood, Culture and Development Lenguage and Pedagogy Projects Educational Cummunication and Interactive Media https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=20
Faculty of Science and Education UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Science and Education Postgraduate Programs: Masters Communication - Education Education Education in Technology Children and Culture Interdisciplinary Social Research Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of English Pedagogy of the Mother Tongue Phd Programs Interagency in Education with publics institucions (Universidad Pedagógica Nacional y Universidad del Valle) Social Studies https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=20
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Faculty of Engineering Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Engineering Ungraduate Programs: Cadastral Engineering and Geodesy Systems Informatic Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronic Engineering Industrial Engineering https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=12
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Faculty of Engineering Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Engineering Postgraduate Programs: Professional Specializations Valuation Bioengineering Engineering Projects Management Hygiene and Occupational Health Computing and Industrial Automation Software Engineering Informatic Projects Geographic Information Systems Mobile Telecomunications Teleinformatic Masters Information Sciences and Communications Industrial Engineering Mobile Telecommunications (Virtual) PhD Programs Engineering https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=12
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources Ungraduate Programs: Technologies Enviromental Management and Public Services Enviromental Sanation Topographic Enviromental Management Sports Management Enviromental Engineering Forest Engineering Sanitary Engineering Topographic Engineering https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=80
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources Postgraduate Programs: Professional Specializations Enviroment and Local Development Desing of Urban Roads, Traffic and Transport Natural Resource Management Maestrías / Masters Enviromental Management and Sustainable Development Handling, Use and Forest Conservation https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=80
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Technology Ungraduate Programs: Technologies Civil Constructions Industrial Electronics Medium and Low Voltage Electrical Systems Data Systematization Mechanical https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=80
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Faculty of Technology Ungraduate Programs: Civil Constructions Engineering Production Engineering Electric Engineering Engineering in Control Telecommunications engineering Telematic Engineering Mechanical Engineering https://www.udistrital.edu.co/oldpwi/directorio.php?bpf=80
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Center for Research and Scientific Development http://cidc.udistrital.edu.co/web/ Office of Transfer of Research Results of Bogotá http://otribogota.udistrital.edu.co/ Institutes Institute of Languages Institute for Educational Research and Studies Institute for Pedagogy, Peace and Urban Conflict https://www.udistrital.edu.co/index.php#/institutos.php
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Center for Interinstitutional Relations Cooperation projects Agreements, networks and academic Academic mobility Internationalization of the curriculum Internationalization of research and social projection World CERI Magazine ObIES Magazine CERI Channel Rel-ACTIONS Radio Program Events: UD annual academic mobility fair https://www.udistrital.edu.co/#/ceri.php
UNIVERSIDAD DISTRITAL FRANCISCO JOSÉ DE CALDAS Cultural and scientific heritage of Bogotá With high quality institutional accreditation Contact Us Alexis Adamy Ortiz Morales Ph.D Interinstitutional Relations Center CERI - Director Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas Cultural and Scientific Heritage of Bogotá Address: Carrera 7 No. 40B-53 Piso 3 Bogotá D.C. - Colombia Phone: (+57 1) 3239300 Ext. 1011 Mobile Phone: (+57) 3142549351 E-mail: relinter@udistrital.edu.co http://ceri.udistrital.edu.co/ http://www.udistrital.edu.co/ ceriudistrital