Developing a Marketing Plan that Gets Faculty Excited Selling It! Developing a Marketing Plan that Gets Faculty Excited You have put together the best program - exciting, innovative, thrilling - but getting faculty at the event is another story. Join us for a quick introduction to developing a comprehensive marketing strategy for your programs. We will cover the process of identifying communication channels, the basics of design, developing allies, and creation of a consistent brand.
Self Assess & Set Answer the following for your situation: What is the larger goal of your center? Who are you trying to reach? How do you help them?
Marketing 101 Cultivate a Narrative
Cultivating a Narrative
Identify Communication Channels Marketing 101 Cultivate a Narrative Identify Communication Channels
Communication Channels How do you get information out? Where are your consumers? What can you create to be visible where your consumers are? Who can help you get the message out?
Department-level programming Provost Office Faculty Senate Committees Newsletters with teaching tips Campus partners
Identify Communication Channels Crafting Images Marketing 101 Cultivate a Narrative Identify Communication Channels Crafting Images
Images Check with University Communications/University Relations for a branding guide
Images Clarity of message Details (when, where, why) Find a proofreading buddy
Don’t Do This: Heavy text over images Be afraid of white space Avoid risks Use more than 2 fonts Overuse red
Identify Communication Channels Crafting Images Keeping it Fresh Marketing 101 Cultivate a Narrative Identify Communication Channels Crafting Images Keeping it Fresh
Do This: Start collecting stock images Start a swipe file Finding partners Refreshing your brand
Self Assess & Set Answer the following for your situation: What is the larger goal of your center? Who are you trying to reach? How do you get information out? Where are your consumers? What can you create to be visible where your consumers are? Who can help you get the message out?
Any questions ? You can find us at Thanks! Any questions ? You can find us at Adapted presentation template by SlidesCarnival