JLEIC simulation report 3/09/2017 Y. Roblin
Recommendations from report Beam Beam: Investigate pushing to higher beam beam parameters Simulate the gear-change synchronization, develop tool for it. Crabbing Simulate crabbing (detailed list in report) Come up with an alternate setup in case crabbing cavities do not perform as needed. Other: two stream instability (e- cloud) and use of feedback systems to counteract it.
Workplan (cont) Beam-Beam effects (BB3D, GHOST) Run at the nominal parameters over many turns. Scan luminosity versus e- beam current Scan luminosity versus p beam current Determine beam-beam limits Repeat with non linear map (3rd order or higher). Map produced via MAD-X and COSY. (GHOST) Estimate dynamic aperture using the previously determined working points. Adjust and iterate. Compare dynamic beta effect on electron beam with theoretical estimates GHOST, BB3D
Simulated configurations From the 2015 MEIC report, table 3.1, 44.7 GeV CM From eic.jlab.org/wiki , the latest set for 44.7 GeV CM
2015 design point e Energy 5 gamma 9784.735812 tune shift e tune shift e x norm emit 144 1.47168E-08 sigmaX 1.95611E-05 1.40E-02 y norm emit 72 7.3584E-09 sigmaY 9.78055E-06 betax 2.60E-02 betay 1.30E-02 p 4.00E-02 energy 100 106.5779938 2.00E-02 tune shift p 1 9.3828E-09 1.9373E-05 6.23E-03 0.5 4.6914E-09 9.68649E-06 Np 6.60E+09 Ne 3.90E+10 L cm-2 corrected 2.82E-15 re Luminosity 5.10E+37 5.10E+33 4.53E+33 1.53E-18 rp RF frequency 4.76E+08 6.58E-16 hbar Hourglass 8.88E-01 0.007297406 alpha bunchlength 1.20E-02 1.00E-02 HG calc tx^2 7.84E+00 1.28E-01 ty^2 1.92E+00 5.20E-01 0.888261 wolfram: integrate e^-x^2/sqrt(1+0.128*x^2)/sqrt(1+0.520*x^2)/sqrt(pi) from -infinite to infinite tracked L=
Results for strong-strong simulation Predicted with hourglass
GHOST comparisons
GHOST comparisons(cont)
GHOST comparisons(cont)
EIC 44.7 GeV CM design
Luminosity 100K turns Preliminary: Still accessing convergence and influence of longitudinal slicing and nbr of particles. Comparison with other codes ongoing.
Beam size evolutions
Strong-Strong 100K turns
Strong-Strong 100K turns(cont)