Astronomers Foldable review
Ptolemy 90AD to 168 AD Thought like ancient Greeks that Earth was the center of the Universe- geocentric model
Copernicus 1473-1543 Further developed Aristarchus heliocentric model (sun centered) by making a model of how the planets move around the sun
Said planets move in perfect circles Brahe 1546-1601 Said planets move in perfect circles
Used Brahe's observations to find planets orbit in ellipses Kepler 1571-1630 Used Brahe's observations to find planets orbit in ellipses
Galilleo 1564 to 1642 Used observations (found four moons orbit Jupiter and Venus has similar phases to the moon) to prove heliocentric model
Newton 1642 to 1727 Confirmed the heliocentric model, proved gravity and inertia work together to keep planets and their moons in motion