Defining Competencies for Assessment Leaders in Pharmacy Education Kristin Janke, Ph.D., University of Minnesota Katherine Kelley, Ph.D., The Ohio State University Gundy Sweet, Pharm.D., University of Michigan
Objectives Identify 12 competencies for assessment leads in pharmacy education. Evaluate one's own level of competence and determine areas of strength and areas of potential for growth. Identify opportunities and resources to help develop competence in these assessment domains.
Three Stories Entering assessment as a clinician Being asked to chair a self-study Fulfilling administrative role by partnering with faculty
Housekeeping A self – assessment is available See attached file OR Questions are invited!
Delphi Process 21 individuals with significant experience in leading assessment in pharmacy education Two rounds and open comment period Consensus achieved on 12 competencies grouped into three domains
The Findings Experts Managers Leaders
The Goal: Transforming Curriculum through Assessment
Nurturing our Professional Development If you’ve just joined us, be sure to download the attached self assessment file!
Perspectives to Consider What are my abilities? My team’s? How do I complement the abilities of those I work with? Employer’s perspective What does my boss think I need? Institution’s priorities What are our big projects? Burning needs? What skills do I need to address these?
The Context for Assessment Competency 1: Monitors higher education assessment-related trends. Competency 2: Works within the university and college/school to accomplish assessment activities. Competency 3: Interprets accreditation standards and processes. Competency 4: Values the practice of pharmacy and pharmacy education.
Opportunities & Resources AACP and Assessment SIG Local contacts (university) Cross school networking and projects National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) IUPUI Assessment Institute (or other higher education assessment meetings)
Managing the Process of Assessment Competency 5: Manages human and fiscal resources associated with assessment. Competency 6: Guides assessment processes and approaches with a college/school. Competency 7: Identifies, selects, develops and utilizes assessment tools. Competency 8: Contributes to ongoing curricular improvement. Competency 9: Facilitates assessment related inquiry, contributing basic research design and statistics.
Opportunities & Resources ACPE Self-Study Training Literature (e.g. existing tools) Partnering with higher education experts or pharmacy experts Connecting with: health professions schools (e.g. technology sharing) pharmacy schools (e.g. surveys, test items) institutional research (e.g. survey development and delivery, existing data)
Leadership of Assessment Activities Competency 10: Articulates a vision and strategy for assessment related activities. Competency 11: Leads assessment efforts. Competency 12: Serves as a resource to others on assessment-related theories and principles.
Opportunities & Resources Creating credibility as partner and leader Participating in leadership development programming Attention to building capacity Attending AACP Institutes Attending OSCEology (and other specialized training programs) Establishing a culture of assessment
Enlisting Collaborators Need a specific skill? Who can you find that has it?
“The role of the assessment lead is not to ‘do assessment’ for the organization, but to recruit faculty members and help to ensure that team members are all heading in the same direction. It is essential for the lead to involve and encourage others, while also providing expertise in assessment theories, principles, methods, analytical techniques, and reporting strategies.” Janke KK, Kelley KA, Sweet BV, Kuba SE. A Modified Delphi Process to Define Competencies for Assessment Leads Supporting a Doctor of Pharmacy Program. Am J Pharm Educ. 2016;80(10): Article 167.
A Head Coach “…the individual must be organized and have a plan, while remaining nimble and responsive to a changing environment. …it is likely that a team approach is needed for assessment, with the lead being responsible for coaching and mentoring others in the process (competency 12), while keeping an eye on the overarching assessment goals (competencies 1, 3, and 10).” Janke, KK, Kelley KA, Sweet BV, Kuba SE. Cultivating an Assessment Head Coach: Competencies for the Assessment Professional. Assess Update. 2017; 29(6) 4, 13. doi: 10.1002/au.30113
For Further Information Janke KK, Kelley KA, Sweet BV, Kuba SE. A Modified Delphi Process to Define Competencies for Assessment Leads Supporting a Doctor of Pharmacy Program. Am J Pharm Educ. 2016;80(10): Article 167. Janke, KK, Kelley KA, Sweet BV, Kuba SE. Cultivating an Assessment Head Coach: Competencies for the Assessment Professional. Assess Update. 2017; 29(6) 4, 13. doi: 10.1002/au.30113
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