Background Lee County has about 180,000 pounds of nitrogen to remove from the Tidal Caloosahatchee. There are limited locations near the stream outfalls to treat water due to development and brackish water. Multiple parcels of land were reviewed in the watershed. This parcel was chosen, but one of the other parcels owned by Lee County near the river is still under consideration.
Background Mention downstream location near the river under consideration now.
Background Old creek runs diagonally across the property. Exits at the SW corner. Initial plans were to treat on the west side. More challenges with land form and saving trees.
Background Look from NW to SE across the Valencia Weir Natural creek/Preserve water enters from far side between the weir walls Photo date is July 30, 2013
Background The County had studies including backwater profile information for stormwater levels and long-term water elevation information on the receiving stream Water lifted from upstream of a weir and released downstream to decrease the energy to lift the water into the treatment system/park
Background Lee County has a land preservation program, “Conservation 2020” rve?projid=16 This property was purchased and had not been purposed The Natural Resource Department continues to look for treatment technologies and locations for the least cost This site offered 77 acres with over half that being pasture, which meant construction cost would be minimized, decreasing the possibility of endangered species concern
Design Gravity fed water from canal to lift station to reduce operational cost Lift pump < 10 feet of total design head Move 3 acre-feet/day Three treatment areas totaling 18.2 acres The average treatment depth provides 8.1 acre-feet volume Maximum treatment volume is 20.6 acre-feet
Site Plan - First Ford across the creek bed raised the bottom about a foot to improve hydration of the upstream wetland.
Site Plan - Final Rearranged to accommodate gopher tortoises moving around the site Adjustments to save more trees South treatment area can be skipped by opening and shutting internal gates. Water flows by gravity from NW to lift station in north central. Gravity flow through two or three filter marsh cells and returned to the natural creek.
Budget Land Value -$618,000 Construction - $3,470,000 Operational - $50,000/yr
Budget SFWMD -$727,000 FDEP - $440,000 Con. 2020 - $618,000 Nat. Res. - $2,303,000
Results Total Acres: 77.2 Number of Parcels: 1 Total Cost: $618,000 Date Acquired: Friday, August 1, 2003 This is one of many views of a filter marsh wrapped around an upland preserve. The shell path in the right foreground is one of the berms that contains the filter marshes.
Results Treats runoff from 1,170 acres 1,693 pounds of total nitrogen per year credit on tidal Caloosahatchee BMAP Clean water improves natural creek and river Provides passive recreation for the community with more opportunities in the future You gopher tortoise on the site. Osprey with fish.
Results You gopher tortoise on the site. Osprey with fish.
Results You gopher tortoise on the site. Osprey with fish.
Results You gopher tortoise on the site. Osprey with fish.
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