Leading Leaders
Leading leaders in 3 easy steps 1) Step Up 2) Team Up 3) Follow Up
Step up - stepping up as a leader. Vision. (clarity of purpose) Step up - stepping up as a leader . Vision (clarity of purpose) . Knowledge (know your stuff) . Decision-making (input then move on) . Expectations (written documents) . Your X-factor (remembered by what?)
All state presidents please stand in front of room
is this an acpa commission? Recreation and Athletics Experiential Education Administrative Leadership Mentoring Mid-Level Professionals Graduate Students and New Professionals Academic Support in Higher Education Academic Affairs
All commission & standing committee chairs please stand in front of room
is this an ACPA state division? South Dakota Texas Colorado Maine District of Columbia Florida Indiana Arkansas Washington (state)
Step up - stepping up as a leader. Vision. (clarity of purpose) Step up - stepping up as a leader . Vision (clarity of purpose) . Knowledge (know your stuff) . Decision-making (input then move on) . Expectations (written documents) . Your X-factor (remembered by what?)
Team up – delegate and collaborate. Make teams. (reporting structure) Team up – delegate and collaborate . Make teams (reporting structure) . Letters of rec (more people to write one) . 2 people per email (Pres & elect; chair & elect) . convention (social team; giftcards) . Leader of month (volunteer or board)
Team up – delegate and collaborate. Make teams. (reporting structure) Team up – delegate and collaborate . Make teams (reporting structure) . Letters of rec (more people to write one) . 2 people per email (Pres & elect; chair & elect) . convention (social team; giftcards) . Leader of month (volunteer or board)
Follow up – expectations & accountability. Post-Event emails Follow up – expectations & accountability . Post-Event emails (spots open; referral line) . Social media (someone posts 1x/week) . Be direct (it’s ok to say what you need) . Board apathy (ask to recommit) . Master reframing (opportunity is everywhere)
Helpful hints. Start with the end…. Underpromise to overdeliver Helpful hints . Start with the end… . Underpromise to overdeliver . NO month should go by w/o an update . Can’t hate without a solution . Leaders recognize there both is… and is never…competition. . Make a “sh*t might happen” list . board brings 4-5 newbies to 1 initiative . Consistent…not identical treatment . You’re the leader – passion, purpose, power