Curriculum Event- September 2018 Welcome to Year 5! Curriculum Event- September 2018
Meet the team… Rowling Class teacher: Miss. Williamson Einstein Class teacher: Mr. Scott & Mr. Hockin Darwin Class teacher: Mr. Belt Year Group Leader: Mr. Belt Teaching assistants: Miss. Chester
School Structure Headteacher: Mr James Greenwood Assistant Headteacher/SENCo: Miss Sarah Greenfield Assistant Headteacher: Mrs Chelsea Sandbrook Assistant Headteacher: Mr Greg Scott
Manor Leas Values
Year Group Timetable
What is Year 5 all about? We are learning… All things Shakespeare – language, performing arts, the running of a theatre, play scripts & history. Maths – Place Value English – description (adverbial phrases, vocabulary and higher level punctuation ; - ( ) R.E – Hinduism (The Gods) Art Week – Black History Month
Curriculum Map- On website
Trips/Visits this year! The Royal Shakespeare Company – Stratford Upon Avon (Date TBC) Other educational visits across the year!
Clubs We offer a variety of clubs in school. Your child has the opportunity to join. In the next two weeks teachers will be explaining which clubs we will offer this year. More information will follow. Clubs will include: JB’s Sports Clubs every day after school Football Netball Reading and Maths clubs Minecraft Club And much more!
Homework- Weekly on Friday Reading- children must return their book in order to quiz! Spelling- SpellingShed & Test every two weeks. Times Tables- practice at home using TT Rockstars and Tackling Tables Maths- Weekly Knowledge Revision and Fluency using Maths Facts in a Flash
Accelerated Reader Aim: To raise pupil enjoyment and confidence when reading. We give each child a book they should be able to access independently, without becoming frustrated. The focus is on the comprehension, rather than just decoding the words. Will enable us to further understand what your child needs for reading support. Please don’t worry if a book seems ‘lower’ than what your child may have read before! This is part of developing them as independent, fluent readers with a comprehensive understanding of a variety of texts.
Accelerated Reader Use the Accelerated Reader page on our website to check how your child is doing by using:
Uniform High Expectations for all
PE Kit and Days White T-shirt and black tracksuit bottoms, shorts, leggings or active wear bottoms. Trainers for outdoor, PE and plimsolls for indoor PE Please do not provide trainers that you don’t want to get dirty for outdoor PE! Coloured T-shirts are not allowed. No jewellery is to be worn (Health and Safety!) Long hair should be tied back
Other Equipment Pencil cases: not necessary, we provide all the resources your child will need! Ensure your child’s bag can fit inside their locker Ensure your child’s lunch box or water bottle is leak proof to prevent any spillages. Ensure everything is named please! Please ensure your child does not bring in any toys or items from home.
Behaviour Expectations Behaviour Policy (W1, W2, W3, R4) Playground Code
Attendance and Punctuality Be on time for 9! (9:00am) School gates and doors open at 8:45am Allows children a chance to settle in and start the day promptly at 9:00am Early Bird Maths from 8:45am If children arrive for EBM each day, they have an extra hour and 15 minutes learning time a week!
Healthy Lunches Water Bottles- water only. No juice, squash or sports drinks please. Farm Kitchen- Hot School Dinners Healthy Lunch Boxes No sweets or fizzy drinks please
Get in touch! Class Dojo School Twitter: @manorleasjunior Year Group Twitter: @manorleas_year5 Facebook School Website: Download our new APP: Search for ‘PrimarySite’ Search for ‘Manor Leas Junior Academy’ Please delete the old app (if you have it!)
Let’s go see the classrooms! Please feel free to speak to any member of the team if you have any additional questions.