Office of Safe and Healthy Students IHE Update
Now Is The Time The Presidents plan to protect children and communities by reducing gun violence. Tasked six federal agencies to come together and outline guidelines for developing high-quality emergency operations plans for: Schools Institutions of Higher Education Houses of Worship Download the report:
Presidential Policy Directive (PPD-8) National Preparedness Directive Describes the nations approach to preparedness Aimed at facilitating an integrated approach and aligning planning at all levels and with all sectors
PreventionMitigationProtectionResponseRecovery an incident or emergency Five Preparedness Missions
Supported by Leadership Meets All Applicable Laws Follows a Collaborative Process Uses Assessments to Customize Takes an All- Hazards Approach Provides for Whole IHE Community Considers All Settings & All Times Considers Individual Preparedness Planning Principles
Steps in the Planning Process
New Federal Guidance Released by the White House on June 18, 2013 First joint product of ED, DHS, FEMA, DOJ, FBI, and HHS Download the full Guide Click through the At a Glance version in html Access topic-specific resources
Comprehensive Website We support IHEs in the development of high-quality EOPs and comprehensive emergency management planning efforts. Key info for Higher ed EOP Development
New Trainings by Request for IHE Audiences Developing Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) IHE 101 Training Overview of the new Federal guidance for creating IHE EOPs through the six step planning process and use of planning principles Piloted October 25, 2013 at the University of Miami Developed in partnership with SMEs Curriculum based on Adult learning principles Lessons learned from the field Available for administration onsite to IHEs nationwide Free of charge TtE and TtT formats Overview of the new Federal guidance for creating IHE EOPs through the six step planning process and use of planning principles Piloted October 25, 2013 at the University of Miami Developed in partnership with SMEs Curriculum based on Adult learning principles Lessons learned from the field Available for administration onsite to IHEs nationwide Free of charge TtE and TtT formats
Virtual Trainings for IHE Audiences An Overview of the Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education Campus Public Safety: A Closer LookA Closer Look at Incorporating International Students Into Emergency Management and PlanningUsing Federal Resources to Enhance Campus Security and Emergency Management Planning Information Sharing and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) & Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for Schools and Postsecondary Institutions Active Shooter Situations: Describing Unique Challenges Involved in Preparing for, Responding to, and Recovering from a School-Based or Postsecondary Institution Shooting
New IHE-Specific Tools in Development Online course on Fundamentals of EOP Planning for IHEsCommunity of Practice Feature for IHE audience Overview of state-by-state requirements for IHE EOP planning Online self-assessment tool for determining status in EOP planning process Online evaluation tool for determining quality of existing EOPs
REMS TA Center: Who Are We? For additional information, resources, training, and technical assistance, please contact the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) Technical Assistance (TA) Center. Access IHE emergency management resources Request Technical Assistance Get the new Guides Access training materials Phone: (855) (REMS)