Statement of intent Key Stage: 3 Subject: Geography Academic Year:


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Presentation transcript:

Statement of intent Key Stage: 3 Subject: Geography Academic Year: 2019-20 By the end of KS3 we want students to understand the breadth and relevance of geography in their present and future lives. We want them to understand the importance of a good balance between human and physical phenomena and that, being educated in these areas allows them to look at the world from a number of lenses and critically evaluate their observations. We want our students to comfortably use academic terminology when discussing and writing about geographical concepts and use all the knowledge they have gained to inform their future opinions. Our curriculum deliberately includes a balance of units from human and physical geography, which often overlap and layer knowledge within topics. Every unit has been created with the aim of enhancing students’ ability to thrive in their understanding of the key geographical concepts of place, space, scale, interdependence, physical processes, environmental interaction, sustainable development, cultural understanding and diversity. These are important as they will help our students have a better understanding for the wider world around them, how it functions and the implications human actions are having on the natural world. By the end of KS3 they will know how migration and globalisation are interconnected and how the concept of interdependence is tied in with this. They will also learn about the causes and impact of flooding and plate tectonics, understanding the delicate balance between human and physical geography. These concepts are fundamental in becoming a successful geographer and to make the most out of GCSE and A ‘level. The curriculum has been written with challenge in mind with the ambitions and expectations that students will take geography further. It has been influenced by the current KS5 and KS4 curriculums with the necessary skills and knowledge they need to be successful through their academic experience of the subject.

Curriculum Overview Key Stage: 3 Year 8 Subject: Geography Academic Year 2019-20 Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring2 Summer 1 Summer 2 KS5 Unit 1 A windy world Unit 2 : My world (migration) Unit3: Globalisation Unit 4: A threatened world: climate change Unit 4: An Unequal World- Development Unit 5: A dynamic world : geomorphology Assessment Assessment (fieldwork investigation) :Microclimate investigation: Why do microclimates vary around CHS? Assessment (essay) :Assess the causes of rural to urban migration which occur in developing and emerging countries. :Evaluate the following statement. To what extent is globalisation a positive phenomenon? Assessment (essay): Examine the natural causes of climate change. Assessment (essay): Evaluate the different types of aid used to help developing / emerging countries to develop. Assessment (exam): GCSE type examination.

Curriculum Overview Key Stage: 3 Year 7 Subject: Geography Academic Year 2019-20 Year Unit content Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring2 Summer 1 Summer 2 KS3 Unit 1 Introduction to Geography? Unit 3 My World the UK Unit 4: A crowded world Unit 5 : Ecosytems Unit 2: A dangerous world : flooding Unit 6: Plate tectonics Assessment Assessment (exam): Key Geography Skills Assessment Assessment(fieldwork investigation) : Infiltration rate investigation: Why do Infiltration Rates vary around CHS? Assessment(exam): UK Climate Assessment: Why does the UK’s climate vary? Assessment (exam) : A Crowded World Assessment. Assessment Project booklet: Why is a chosen ecosystem where it is and what threats does it face? Plate Tectonics Assessment.