Royal Oak to Bloomfield Concept for a Rail-with-Trail through S.E. Oakland County 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
History Railroad was built between 1836 & 48 Initially along the East side of Woodward 1925: Wider Woodward Ave. Group Dream of making Woodward a broad Blvd. State made a deal with the GTWRR Traded corridor of Land about 1 mile East for the R.O.W. along Woodward Very controversial project 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Original Concept Four parallel rails: (2 freight; 2 passenger) Plus Aerial super speedway for autos The Birmingham Station was built Project never got beyond two parallel tracks shared by freight and commuter service 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Original Concept - 2 Did have commuter parking & platforms: 14 Mile Rd. Charing Cross Long Lake 18 Grade Separated Vehicle Crossings in 9.3 miles Project terminated prematurely by the Great Depression 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Trail Specifications Trail Head (S.E.): Royal Oak Amtrak 11 Mile Trail Head (N.W.): Opdyke & Kensington Rds Length: 9.34 Miles Owned by: Canadian National Railroad Terrain: Flat from 11Mile to Maple Significant ‘Cut & Fill’ n. of Maple 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Railroad Overpass Specifications Number eleven (11) Width: 55 feet Used by Rail: 31 feet Available for Trail: 24 feet 3 foot concrete railing on ides All North of 14 Mile also have chain link fence on top of concrete 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Features / Benefits No interaction with motor vehicles in entire 9.3 mile extent of route. Many convenient Access points Services the most densely part of Oakland County A Linear Park interconnecting traditional Parks and other linear parks in Oakland Cty 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Features / Benefits (cont.) 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Acquisition of R.O.W. Propose Lease from Canadian National 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Benefits to Canadian National Liability might be assumed by the Trail Organizatiom Trespassing Reduced Fence between Trail and Rails Legitimize existing casual use that has existed for year 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Rail Concerns (Potential) Trespassing Liability Safety Train derailments People hi by trains 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Communities Affected Community Distance Royal Oak 3.78 miles Birmingham 2.44 miles Bloomfield Twnshp 1.45 miles Bloomfield Hills 1.67 miles Total 9.34 miles 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Population Density (Potential Users) Based on April 2000 Census data (SEMCOG Web-Site) Eleven Communities along Woodward Ave. Estimated population w/in 2 miles of trail: 118,000 (10% of Oakland Cty Residents) 12,650 people per mile 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Potential Uses Quick travel between Royal Oak and Birmingham Artery to reach linked trails in northern Oakland County Short cut between localized street trails Exercise – walking and biking 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Access Points – Royal Oak Royal Oak Amtrak Station Meininger Park (Royal Oak) Overpasses at: Greenleaf Dr. Benjamin St Normandy Several other convenient spots 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Access Points - Birmingham New Condo Complex adj. To Amtrak Sta. Birmingham Amtrak Station Derby Middle School Manor Park (Birmingham) 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Access Points – Bloomfield Hills Charing Cross Rd, Commuter Platform Office complex on Bloomfield Hills Pkwy Stonycroft Golf Course parking lot OCC Admin. Office – Opdyke Rd. Opdyke & Kensington Intersection – N.W. Trail Head 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Points of Interest – Royal Oak Heart of downtown Royal Oak Royal Oak Dondero High School Meininger Park Normandy oaks Golf Course Royal Oak Country Club 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Points of Interest - Birmingham Clover Hill Cemetery Big Rock Restaurant (old Birmingham Depot 1930) Downtown Birmingham - 2 miles Derby Middle School Manor Park Georgian Bloomfield Nursing Home Springdale Golf course Rouge River 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Points of Interest – Bloomfield Hills Charing Cross Commuter Parking / Platform Trowbridge Rd. Vehicle Overpass Bloomfield Hill Parkway Office complex Bloomfield Open Hunt Club Stonycroft Golf Course OCC Administrative Offices St. Hugo Catholic Church and School 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Present Shared Commercial Uses Service Road for Railroad Detroit Edison Power Lines Cellular Phone antennas & shelters AT&T Transcontinental Comm. Cable US SPRINT fiber optic cable 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Case Studies (Rails with Trails) “Design, Management & Operation of Trails Along Active Railroads” by: Rails with Trails Conservancy, Nov. 2000 61 Case studies documented in Detail Three (3) in Michigan The Railroad Trail, Fredrick to Gaylord TART, Traverse City to Acme Gallup Park Trail, Ann Arbor 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Gallup Park Trail Ann Arbor, MI Length of Trail 3.0 Miles Distance from Tracks 10 ft. (varies) Barrier 5 ft. Chain Link Fence Owner of RR Corridor Norfolk Southern Trains per Day 8 Train Speed 60 mph Uses Walk, bike, r-blade, and x-country skiing 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Gallup Park Trail Ann Arbor, MI (cont.) Accidents None Maintenance $1,000/mile/year Acquisition Lease $1,000/year Funding Local Park Bond monies, MNR Trust Fund 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Development Required Surface - graded and coated Fencing between rails and trail User Access points improved Service Vehicle access points Protective Fencing on all over passes from 14 mile South Signage 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield
Next Steps Contact the Canadian Northern to explore the feasibility of Leasing 9.3 miles of their right of way 9/16/2019 R.O. to Bloomfield