Tone Vocabulary for the reading section of the AHSGE Prepared by M. Etheredge- Tanner High School By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School whimsical –adjective 1.given to whimsy or fanciful notions; capricious; playful and unpredictable Example: a pixyish, whimsical girl. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School optimistic adjective 1.disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome. Example- Viewing the glass as half full, instead of half empty By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School reverent –adjective feeling, exhibiting, or characterized by reverence; deeply respectful Example: a reverent greeting with the Pope. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School Sympathetic (1) –adjective 1.characterized by, proceeding from, exhibiting, or feeling sympathy; sympathizing; compassionate: Example: a sympathetic friend. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School Sympathetic (2) Adjective- looking upon with favor; Being supportive of Example: She is sympathetic to the project. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School lighthearted –adjective carefree; cheerful Example: a lighthearted performance By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School Enthusiastic Adjective eager, fervent, zealous, passionate Example: An enthusiastic response By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School fanciful adjective 1.capricious or whimsical in appearance: 2.suggested by fancy; imaginary; unreal: Example- fanciful lands of romance. 3.led by fancy rather than by reason and experience; whimsical: Example-a fanciful mind. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School benevolent –adjective 1.characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings Example: a benevolent attitude; her benevolent smile. 2.desiring to help others; charitable: Example: gifts from benevolent alumni. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School amiable –adjective 1.having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable: 2.friendly; sociable: Example: an amiable greeting; an amiable gathering Casper the AMIABLE ghost By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School apathetic –adjective 1.having or showing little or no emotion 2.not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive: an apathetic employee. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School bleak –adjective 1.bare, desolate, and often windswept 2.cold and piercing; raw 3.without hope or encouragement; depressing; dreary Example: a bleak landscape By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School facetious adjective 1.not meant to be taken seriously or literally 2.amusing; humorous. 3.lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous Example: a facetious remark. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School brash adjective 1.impertinent; impudent; tactless Example: a brash young man. 2.hasty; rash; impetuous. 3.energetic or highly spirited, esp. in an irreverent way; zesty Example: a brash new musical. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School Condescending con·de·scending adjective To descend to the level of one considered inferior; lower oneself. To deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School disgruntled –adjective displeased and discontented; sulky; peevish Example: Most cats become disgruntled when bathed. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School indignant adjective feeling or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base Example: indignant remarks; an indignant expression on his face. How DARE you? By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School choleric adjective 1.extremely irritable or easily angered; irascible Example: a choleric disposition. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School haughty Adjective 1.disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant; supercilious Example: haughty aristocrats; a haughty salesclerk. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School critical –adjective 1.inclined to find fault or to judge with severity, often too readily. 2. involving skillful judgment as to truth, merit Example: a critical analysis. By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School superficial Adjective concerned with or comprehending only what is on the surface or obvious shallow; not profound or thorough insubstantial or insignificant superficial appearance By M. Etheredge Tanner High School
By M. Etheredge Tanner High School inflammatory –adjective 1.tending to arouse anger, hostility, passion, etc. Example: inflammatory speeches By M. Etheredge Tanner High School