optical technologies & future campus architectures Matthew Davy Indiana University
non-optical DS3 to OC12 multiple ASNs separate ISPs minimal redundancy expensive long provisioning times
fiber + gige higher speeds more redundant more flexible faster provisioning same basic architecture
dwdm more redundant multiple circuits over 1 fiber pair flexible non IP options architecture changed to single network
link to chicago no longer tied to ISPs in Indy research links direct peering opportunities links can land anywhere on campus
summary allows statewide network to be designed as a single campus network bandwidth & redundancy non IP transport sans, video, voice flexible circuit provisioning specialized internet links useful, but need to be careful
summary access to regional/national optical networks more peering better access to providers links for research projects improved redundancy lower costs
summary location no longer important when deploying servers. could be at any physical location consolidate all servers on one campus or divide them up for redundancy combined IP space broadcast domains that span campuses