An Introduction to the IOM3 in Scotland and the benefits of membership Eur Ing. Steve Bedford BEng CEng FIMMM FGS The global network for the materials cycle
Agenda Introduction to the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3) Benefits of membership Membership grades and qualifications The Mining Institute of Scotland Next meeting
Introduction to the IOM3 The Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining (IOM3) is a major UK professional engineering institution (PEI) incorporated under Royal Charter over 150 years ago. Activities encompass the whole materials cycle, from exploration & extraction, through to characterisation, processing, forming, finishing & application, to product recycling, repurposing & reuse. IOM3 exists to promote & develop all aspects of materials science & engineering, metallurgy, geology, mining & associated technologies, mineral & petroleum engineering & extraction, as a leading authority in the worldwide materials & natural resource community. IOM3 has a vibrant & growing global membership, which currently stands at some 17,000 members . The Institute has offices in London (knowledge quarter), Grantham and Stoke-on-Trent which members can access.
Benefits of membership Be part of a global network with 22 technical divisions and over 50 local societies delivering conferences, technical meetings, industrial visits and social events. Linkedin network (>6500 members), facebook and twitter. A younger members committee representing younger members and delivering events. Opportunity to contribute to Government consultations. Obtain the most widely recognised professional qualifications in the world. Access to an extensive library and information service, including 95 online journals, tens of thousands of books and over 100,000 papers. A website with multiple links to relevant sites, news and educational material. Monthly magazine delivered to your home. Educational material Scholarships and awards – including annual young persons lecture competition.
Membership Grade & Qualification Membership grades and qualifications Membership Grade & Qualification Requirements Affiliate Open to anyone interested or engaged in any of the Institute technical disciplines. Student Studying full or part time on a relevant academic course. Technician (TIMMM &/or Eng Tech) Level 2 qualification + 4 years training & experience, level 3 qualification required for the award of EngTech. Graduate (GradIMMM) Relevant degree. Professional Graduate (Prof GradIMMM) Relevant degree + 2 years work experience post graduation. Associate Member (AIMMM &/or IEng) Bachelors degree + 3 years training & experience or level 4 qualification + 5 years, level 3 qualification + 10 years Professional Member (MIMMM &/or CEng) Masters degree + 4 years training and experience or, BSc + 7 years, level 4/5 + 10 years and level 3 + 15 years. Fellow (FIMMM &/or CEng) Established reputation and demonstrated contribution to the disciplines served by the IOM3. Qualifications:- Level 3 = ONC or OND Level 4 = HNC or HND Level 5 = BSc For applications without the base academic qualification the Technical Report Route is followed
The Local Society for IOM3 members working in the extractive industries in Scotland, > than 900 members. Annual programme comprises 6 technical presentations (with dial in/VC facility), 1 to 2 industrial visits and young persons lecture competition. Younger members events, including lecture competition and student seminars. Awards and scholarships available – 2019 sponsorship for St. Andrews University geology department field trips to Greenland and Namibia, individual scholarships also available. Regular newsletter and lots of relevant information on the website: institute-scotland Stirling: coal bed methane rig North Atlantic: Clair Platform
Industrial Visit to Progress Rail Wednesday 3rd July 11 a.m. South Queensferry, EH30 9SH Visit one of the most modern steel foundries in the UK with a long history of high integrity steel casting design and manufacture for multi stage pumps, valves, power generation, rail crossings, high security bollards and tunnel wall segments up to 5MT from a variety of steels. Two electric arc furnaces, heat treating, machining and inspection facilities Register with Bob Laird @
IOM3 Membership Four Principles of Operation The global network for the materials cycle
IOM3 four principles of operation Professional recognition of competency Develop & maintain the competency of members by facilitating & certifying continuing professional development (CPD) Facilitating reliable & state-of-the-art technical information Facilitating networking opportunities with like-minded professionals
Membership Grade & Qualification Professional recognition of competency Membership Grade & Qualification Requirements Affiliate Open to anyone interested or engaged in any of the Institute technical disciplines. Student Studying full or part time on a relevant academic course. Technician (TIMMM &/or Eng Tech) Level 2 qualification + 4 years training & experience, level 3 qualification required for the award of EngTech. Graduate (GradIMMM) Relevant degree. Professional Graduate (Prof GradIMMM) Relevant degree + 2 years work experience post graduation. Associate Member (AIMMM &/or IEng) Bachelors degree + 3 years training & experience or level 4 qualification + 5 years, level 3 qualification + 10 years Professional Member (MIMMM &/or CEng) Masters degree + 4 years training and experience or, BSc + 7 years, level 4/5 + 10 years and level 3 + 15 years. Fellow (FIMMM &/or CEng) Established reputation and demonstrated contribution to the disciplines served by the IOM3. Qualifications:- Level 3 = ONC or OND Level 4 = HNC or HND Level 5 = BSc For applications without the base academic qualification the Technical Report Route is followed
Facilitation and certification of CPD IOM3 actively encourages members to plan & undertake CPD, which can be recorded online through the member’s personal account. IOM3, its 22 technical divisions & 50+ local societies all host events focused on cutting edge technology, its application & good practice. Over a quarter of the Institute membership belong to the four extractive divisions:- Oil & gas: Mining technology: <> Mineral processing and extractive metallurgy: < processing-extractive-metallurgy-division> Applied earth science: <> IOM3 approves 50+ CPD courses each year. Professional Panels meet each year to sample and certify CPD records in addition to giving advice.
95 Online Journals, including:- Reliable and state-of-the art technical information 95 Online Journals, including:- Applied Earth Science Advances in Applied Ceramics – Structural, Functional and Bioceramics Corrosion Engineering. Energy Materials – Materials Science and Engineering for Energy Systems Interdisciplinary Science Reviews International Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering International Materials Reviews International Wood Products Journal Ironmaking and Steelmaking Materials Science and Technology Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Mining Technology Plastics, Rubbers and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering Powder Metallurgy Science & Technology of Welding & Joining Steel World Surface Engineering Tribology – Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces Materials World monthly magazine Information services provide a technical enquiry service and access to tens of thousands of books on materials, minerals and mining: on-services IMMAGE is the worlds foremost international minerals industry reference database covering over 100,000 papers, books reports and more: immage-mineral-reference-database- online
Networking with like-minded professionals Young Members’ Committee (<35 years) represent the younger members, organise industrial visits and events across the UK. Each year the Institute runs a global lecture competition for younger members, the Mining Institute of Scotland runs the Scottish heat at St. Andrews University and awards prizes. The UK final is in London at the Armourers and Brassiers Hall. LinkedIn group (>6,500 members), Facebook & Twitter . Conferences and events, including an active schools programme and awards dinners. Local society technical meetings, industrial visits and social events