Selecting cells in an Office 2016 worksheet © EIT, Author Gay Robertson, 2016
How to select or highlight cells in a worksheet
click in A1 Click in E7 The name box will tell you which cell you are in
click in A1 and drag the fat white cross down to A2 – 2 cells will be selected the selection is 2 rows deep by 1 column wide Click in A1 and hold the mouse button down, drag down to A2
Click in A3 and hold the mouse button down, drag across to D3 Let’s look at how you can select or highlight different cells on a worksheet or different rows the selection is one row deep and 4 columns wide
Click on the Column letter C You will see the ‘whole’ column is selected Let’s look at how you can select a single column or a group of columns on a worksheet Click on the Column letter C and drag the mouse button across to Column letter E
Let’s look at how you can select a single row or a group of rows on a worksheet Click on Row No 2 You will see the ‘whole’ row is selected Click on Row No 2, and drag the mouse button down to Row No 8
When I close this presentation and File Explorer, Excel should be open When I close this presentation and File Explorer, Excel should be open!! This is the icon I used to open the program.