Write these important dates in your agenda: 05/03/2017 Mon. (05/01) – Fri. (05/05) – Teacher Appreciation Week Fri. (05/05) – Teachers vs. Students Soccer Game - Lip Sync Battle (6:00-8:00) Wed. (05/10) – 6th Grade Block Party Fri. (05/12) – Field Day If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE
Language Arts Opening Session 05/03/17 Understanding Irony Get your I.A.N. and add “Understanding Irony” to your T.O.C. for page 167. Give page 167 the appropriate title and date. Then, we will add items to this page using the document camera.
Language Arts – Work Session 05/03/17 REMINDERS The following items are DUE TODAY: N/A The following items are PAST DUE: Stations 7-12 work Biblionasium Book Review Book Talk Work Upcoming items: “The Ransom of Red Chief” test - TBA
Language Arts – Work Session 05/02/17 “The Ransom of Red Chief” Use the annotation key on p. 1 of your I.A.N. to help you annotate the text as we read. You are responsible for keeping up with your packet and work. You will not receive a folder to keep it in class.
Language Arts – Work Session 05/02/17 Essential Question: How can I adequately express my understanding of an independent reading study? Standard: ELACC6RI1 – Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Language Arts – Closing Session 05/02/17 “The Ransom of Red Chief” Add more to your Character Traits: “The Ransom of Red Chief” on p. 23 of your I.A.N. You must complete this chart by the time we finish reading this story. Be sure to add items each day.
S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T. 05/03/17 – “LearnZillion: Practice Set C” First, turn in any late work. Items you could be missing: – “LearnZillion: Practice Set C” - ABC Order (from Tuesday) – “You are in the Club!” – “Quadrants” – “Don’t Get All Wet” -“Nutritional Safety” Then, complete the packet for today.
S.T.E.A.M.– E.L.T. 04/13/17 Math Day – Quadrants Due TODAY – “LearnZillion: Practice Set C” - ABC Order (from Tuesday) Due Tomorrow – “You are in the Club!” Due Tuesday – “Quadrants”