Roots: Pt 1
Last week we reviewed our ties to Protestant Reformation Last week we reviewed our ties to Protestant Reformation. All Protestant denominations derive origin from one of four foundational reform traditions: Lutheranism (Luther) Reformed (Zwingli/Calvin) Anabaptism (Mulitple Leaders) Anglicanism (Henry VIII)
Over next four weeks will look at MCUSA specific root system, citing Five Traditions of influence towards today’s reality. Anabaptism Pietism Wesleyanism Keswickianism Evangelicalism
We are doing this because sometimes it’s a good idea to get out a family photo album and remember your story, maybe it helps you recognize where you are in the big picture and remind you that you may not be as crazy as you think. Maybe it helps you put your finger on an internal drive or something you couldn’t articulate before, and suddenly you’re not alone.
Influence #1: Anabaptism Typical Protestant Orthodoxy applies but with a strong favor towards Arminianism over Calvin. Values that drove Reformation: Personal Salvation by faith in Christ Personal discipleship with Christ Public life of faith Scripture only, no ecclesiastic dogma Suffering Savior = People of Peace
Practices that expressed reformation: Purposeful, public Baptism as Adult Community/Corporate discipleship Book of Acts Low church polity True separation of Church and State No military service Devout personal pacifists No link between religion and citizenship
Influence #2: Pietism Pietism is not a reform movement, but rather a faith orientation around specific, non-doctrinal or polity values that lend definition to both individuals and corporate bodies of believers. It was mostly popular among high church traditions at first, intersecting with Anabaptists in America during Great Awakening.
Pietism- The Values: Theology of Experience Want to be stirred by God in personally understood, even emotive ways God is not just to be studied, but known
Pietism- The Values (cont.): Faith as personal response to God’s love Reformation of Life The inner life is always well invested in, but must find expression in the world around us
Pietism- The Practice: Personal intimacy with God Prayer Published devotional material Meditation on God’s love, especially as demonstrated through Christ at Cross
Pietism- The Practice: Congregational intimacy beyond High Church services Prayer Meetings Bible Studies Exuberant worship through vivid language in song Small Groups
Pietism- The Practice: Missions: Everyone should know of the love of God! Influenced Great Awakening in America as well as revivalism around England Inspired personal missionary ventures around the world that would launch from 1800s to today