Dutchtown High School Announcements
Important prom information “Students attending prom, please remember that in order to be admitted to prom you MUST be present for the ENTIRE school day on Friday, May 6th. Checking in late or checking out early will disqualify you from attending prom!”
Peer mediator The peer mediator next meeting is Wednesday, may 4, 2016 at 3:35pm Please be on time Permission slips for Dutchtown middle school life 101 and other important topics will be discussed
Ladies lacrosse Congratulations to our ladies lacrosse team! They won their 4th and final game against Eagles landing. It was an intense game ending with a score of 11-10. Goals were scored by natalie fairley, lauren davis, sunmi tumba, anna tran, and jina patel. Their season record is now 4-2-1. What a way to end the season ladies! Your coaches are very proud of you and all of your hard work! Goooooooo Dawgs!
Jasmine Poole memorial courtyard donations Attention, we are accepting donations of plants or money for the jasmine Poole memorial courtyard. All donations should be given to Mr. golden in room 333. Thank you
Graduation yard signs for seniors! Graduation celebration yard signs are o sale now. Get your order form from you English teacher. The sooner you order, the sooner you get your sign! Orders will be taken through may 20th. Bring your order form and money to Mrs. Davidson, room 110 as soon as possible! Cash only. $20 for 1 side only and $25 for both sides.
Powderpuff dues All powderpuff dues are due May 6, 2016 to Mrs. Ebonee Usher!
Need Extra money for college? Seniors, do you need extra money for college? Are you unsure what career field you want to enter? Would you like to travel the world? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please stop by the counseling office to sign up to have a one-on-one meeting with an armyu recruiter. See Mrs. Parker for details.
10th grade students Please see m. Daniels for an order form for t-shirts. Shirts are $11 and orders are due. We are looking for 100% participation.
Junior NHS members All junior nhs members, our community service hours log is due on May 2, 2016. Please see Mr. V if you have any questions.
Benedict college Benedict college is still accepting applications and offering academic scholarships for august 2016. Submit an online application and ask you counselor to forward your transcript for admissions and scholarship consideration
Girls soft ball interest meeting There will be a softball interest meeting Wednesday, may 4, 2016 right after school in room 811.