Career Pathways: Around the Nation Lou
Alaska’s Approach DOL Funded Regional Training Centers Mission: to collaborate to leverage partnerships and resources to provide coordinated workforce development, education, and training in conjunction with local, statewide and federal partners to prepare its citizens to enter into the Alaskan Workforce. Alaska Technical Center AVTEC - Alaska's Institute of Technology Delta Career Advancement Center Fairbanks Pipeline Training Center Galena Interior Learning Academy Ilisagvik College Northwestern Alaska Career & Technical Center Southwest Alaska Vocational Education Center Southeast Alaska Career Consortium Yuut Elitnaurviat - The People's Learning Center
Other Alaska Career Pathway Strategies Sector Strategies Alaska Process Industry Careers Consortium Alaska Health Workforce Coalition: 2021-Action-Agenda-September-2017-Final-With-Cover-(2).pdf Alaska Host Program for Tourism – recognized by all businesses connected to tourism and hospitality opment/AlaskaHost.aspx Chef/Baker/Barista – Consortium - response to industry need Mine Training Programs – State funded training
Inclusive Career Pathways: Career Pathways for Individuals with Disabilities Demonstration Projects Lou
Virginia’s Approach Focus on Manufacturing Industry Embedded Career Pathways Liaison at Virginia Manufacturer’s Association VMA Dream It. Do It. Virginia Academies with Wraparound VR Supports Business Driven Tours, Advisory Council Webinars and podcasts
Nebraska’s Approach Upskill/Backfill Model To assist past successfully closed VR clients to advance within their Career Pathway Economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities Using positions vacated by advancement of VR clients for other VR clients wanting to enter a Career Pathway Developing multiple entrance and exit points within the Career Pathways to help clients advance Economic self-sufficiency and financial stability Poverty and working with other community partners. Accommodations
Upskill/Backfill Focus on High Growth-High Wage Sectors Information Technology Advanced Manufacturing Transportation, Distribution and Logistics (TDL) Healthcare Construction
Career Pathways: Apprenticeship Lou
Apprenticeship as The Gold Standard of Career Pathways for Adults Several states have used Apprenticeship as a model for Adult Career Pathways Integrated approach to Apprenticeship in: Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Maine, Iowa, Missouri, Vermont Recognized Value Earn and Learn Model Natural Career Pathway, Built in skills gains, wage progression and credential Applied Learning – works well for adult learners High wage/high growth occupations Meets employer demand for skilled workers as they train to their specifications Win/Win for WIOA Common Performance
Career Pathways: The I-BEST Model Lou
The I-BEST Model Washington’s integrated Basic Education and Skills Training Program (I- BEST) is a nationally recognized model that quickly boosts students’ literacy and work skills so that students can earn credentials, get living wage jobs, and put their talents to work for employers. The I-BEST model challenges the traditional notion that students must first complete adult basic education or ESL before moving to college level course work. The I-BEST model pairs ESL or ABE instructors with vocational or content area instructors to co-teach college level vocational courses. I-BEST students start earning college credits immediately. I-BEST has historically been tied to economic development, with I-BEST courses at individual colleges aligning with high-wage, high-demand jobs within their communities.
The I-BEST Model Continued Washington State’s Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (I-BEST) began as a pilot program at 10 community and technical colleges and has since been implemented in all 34 colleges in the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) system. I-BEST is also in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, South Carolina, Possibly more?
Career Pathways: The Disability Employment Initiative Lou
Strategies from the Disability Employment Initiative Colorado DEI Round 8 Career Pathways Workgroup Put together a Career Pathways Workgroup with adult education, workforce development, business engagement, and accessibility subject matter experts Meet quarterly to discuss CO’s current career pathway programs, and how to get more people with disabilities engaged and involved Implemented universal design strategies and accommodation options in instructional design Connected with area businesses so that accessibility is considered from start (training/education) to finish (employment)
Strategies from the Disability Employment Initiative Massachusetts DEI Round 5 Career Pathways Pilot Career Pathways Pilot in Healthcare (Patient Access and Registration) Central MA region worked to make healthcare administration more accessible and open to job seekers with disabilities Held information sessions on the career pathway with the community college instructor of the certifying course Partnered with WIOA titles to share opportunity with job seekers A major hospital in the region provided eight-week externships to some graduates of the Patient Access Course Leveraged funds across VR, workforce, DEI for associated costs Used the Integrated Resource Team model to assist customer through the process
Strategies from the Disability Employment Initiative Cherokee Nation DEI Round 8 Registered Apprenticeship Partnered with Pelco Manufacturing and their Registered Apprenticeship program VR and workforce have done extensive outreach to identify candidates with disabilities who are interested in pursuing this opportunity Team worked with the employer to ensure the training was accessible, and to locate potential accommodation needs During this apprenticeship participants obtain training, certification and full time employment in welding Funds were leveraged and braided for costs associated with the apprenticeship including training, OJT contract, and supportive services
Resources Career Pathways Toolkit Georgia Career Pathways WINTAC Career Pathways Community Practice Nebraska Career Pathways Clasp Career Pathways Virginia Career Pathways LINCS - Building Career Pathways Systems for Education, Training, and Employment Kentucky Career Pathways Inclusive Career Pathways Desktop Guide: Information and Resources to Support Inclusive Programs and Services The I-Best Model e
Your Technical Assistance Team Nikki Powis WINTAC National Disability Institute (907) 957-4702 Sarah Loizeaux WINTAC (978) 621-4569