Draft Budget 2011-12 Scottish Government Overview Analysis over time by the Financial Scrutiny Unit Overview Analysis over time A closer look click on one of the links below Top 5 Level 2 budget lines Scale of budget in UK context Total budget over time: 2005-12 Largest increases and decreases Total Managed Expenditure Portfolios over time: 2005-12 A look at some NDPBs
Source: HM Treasury Spending Review October 2010 click here to return to main menu Scottish DEL 2011-12 Scale in the UK context Scotland £27.3bn Wales £14.5bn Northern Ireland £10.3bn next Source: HM Treasury Spending Review October 2010
Total Managed Expenditure Real terms change 2010-11 to 2011-12 click here to return to main menu Total Managed Expenditure Real terms change 2010-11 to 2011-12 next
Scottish Government budget Change over period 2005 to 2012 click here to return to main menu Scottish Government budget Change over period 2005 to 2012 next
2005-06 2011-12 How the budget has changed 2005-06 to 2011-12 click here to return to main menu How the budget has changed 2005-06 to 2011-12 Portfolio spend in 2010-11 prices In 2005-06 the Local Government portfolio had the largest spend In 2011-12 the portfolio with the largest planned spend is Health & Wellbeing The Finance and Sustainable Growth portfolio will see the largest real terms increase over the period (£1.2bn) The Rural Affairs and the Environment portfolio will see the largest real terms decrease over the period (£0.5bn) 2005-06 2011-12 next
£33.5m Largest areas of spend in 2011-12 click here to return to main menu Largest areas of spend in 2011-12 Top five level 2 budget lines and % of Scottish Government budget Total Scottish Government Budget £33.5m 1. Health 2. Local Government 3. Scottish Public Pensions Agency 4. Scottish Further & Higher Education Funding Council 5. Rail Services in Scotland £11.4bn £11.2bn £3.2bn £1.6bn £0.8bn 33.9% 33.5% 9.7% 4.7% 2.3% next
Click here for largest decreases click here to return to main menu Budget changes 2010-11 to 2011-12 Largest level 3 absolute real terms increases 1. Forth Replacement Crossing 2. Rail Infrastructure 3. Non Domestic Rates 4. Schools 5. General Dental Services + £166m + £87m + £63m + £37m + £33m Forth Replacement Crossing photo from Transport Scotland Click here for largest decreases next
Largest level 3 absolute real terms decreases click here to return to main menu Budget changes 2010-11 to 2011-12 Largest level 3 absolute real terms decreases 1. General Revenue Grant (Local Government) 2. General Capital Grant (Local Government) 3. Support for Scottish Water Borrowing 4. Capital Land (Motorways & Trunk Roads) 5. Major Public Transport Projects - £543m - £164m - £150m - £128m - £124m The two largest decreases are within Local Government. However it should be noted that this is partly because it is one of the largest budgets. The percentage reductions are smaller than those for the other budget lines shown here. next
A look at the relative size of some NDPBs and agencies click here to return to main menu A look at the relative size of some NDPBs and agencies 2011-12 budget in 2010-11 prices and % change on 10-11 budget in real terms Skills Development Scotland £178m (-12%) Scottish Natural Heritage £60m (-12%) Forestry Commission £47m (-15%) Creative Scotland £52m (-12%) Historic Scotland £46m (-6%) SEPA £39m (-13%) Note: Budget information is only available for some NDPB’s within the Draft Budget document end