Sophia Ireland Youth & Schools Campaigner Active Global Citizenship Supporting Young People to be Responsible Citizens Sophia Ireland Youth & Schools Campaigner
What does Oxfam do? “Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and suffering” We see young people’s awareness and action as being vital in achieving our goal. And we want to support teachers, and students to understand how they can be part of a solution. Partnership working is hugely important to us – there is strength in numbers. So we work closely with a number of other agencies. E.G the DEA who you will here from/be hearing from, and the Global Campaign for Education. As well as other NGOs working to similar goals. We see you and your schools as key partners, working with you developing ideas together.
Resources Website Schemes of Work Case Studies Multimedia – films, pictures The Big Picture Magazine Termly e-newsletter Oxfam guides for schools Topics cover a vast area – from climate change to fair trade, and clothes to children’s rights. All the schemes of work contain a number of linked lessons and clear curriculum links. The work is all supported by case studies, informed by real people with whom oxfam is working to really bring the topics to life. This term we launched the Big Picture magazine. Which includes case studies on schools doing work on active global citizenship We have five guides for schools: Education for Global Citizenship Getting started with Global Citizenship: A Guide for New Teachers Teaching controversial issues Building successful school partnerships
Mapping Our World This unique interactive website works with maps and globes to transform pupils’ understanding of the world. Winner of a Geographical Association Gold award and a BAFTA award for primary learning, Mapping Our World allows pupils to flatten a globe, turn a map into a globe, and merge different map projections. The nine structured activities (across 3 lessons) come with teachers’ notes and are designed for whole class learning on an interactive whiteboard or PC. The website supports the Geography curriculum and is also ideal for bringing a global approach to Citizenship, PSE and ICT.
Projects and People Active Global Citizenship Conferences Young People and Climate Change Oxfam Speakers Individual Youth Projects Here & Now Challenge Staff Development Work with Oxfam on a bespoke project 0121 634 3611 Just before half term we held our first Active Global Citizenship conference. Representatives from schools across the midlands came together, and learnt more about the issues, and what they could do about it. They then developed action plans outlining what they were going to be doing in their school to raise awareness of the issue and to empower their peers to believing that there is something we can do and that they as young people have a role to play. The work generated by the young people is being transmitted to government via a hand in at number 10 and through our high level campaigners who will be present at the Copenhagen climate change summit! We have a team of trained volunteers who can deliver workshops and assemblies in your school on the issues outlined. I can work more closely with you to develop projects for your school.
Thankyou! Sophia Ireland 0121 634 3611