How do we determine who is worthy of honor? Monumental Creations How do we determine who is worthy of honor?
#1 RESEARCH A MONUMENT What is a monument? A monument is a statue, building, or other structure created to commemorate a famous or notable person, place, or event. What is a monument? What makes a person, place or event worthy of a monument?
What is good research? Reliable sites: .edu .net .gov The OFFICIAL website of a person, place or event. Verify your facts on more than one site. Who posted the information? How current is the information?
#2 PRESENT YOUR FINDINGS A presentation is a formal speech or talk giving information to a group with the use of visual aids such as graphics, charts, and pictures. What is the best way to present my information?
The format should relate to the monument that you are sharing. Your presentation should be interesting, unique, creative, and full of good information! The format should relate to the monument that you are sharing. OPTIONS FOR PRESENTATION -power point -video -poster -model -diorama -game -comic -ANYTHING YOU CHOOSE
#3 Write a proposal Who do I think is deserving of a monument? Not this kind of proposal!!! #3 Write a proposal Who do I think is deserving of a monument? A proposal is a formal, written plan or suggestion put forward for consideration or discussion by others. You will PROPOSE an idea for a monument of a person, place or event that you believe should be honored.
How will you guarantee yours is the BEST!?? This will be the hardest part. You will have to choose whose monument to bring to life with a scale model and documentary. How will you guarantee yours is the BEST!??
#5 Documentary What do we need to include in a film about our person, place or event to make others realize the value of our monument? A documentary is a film created to provide factual information about a person or topic.
#6 Scale Model How can we physically create a model of what our monument would look like in real life? A scale model is a small, but exact copy created to show what a final product will look like.
Possible materials for your scale model: -Paper mache -Play Doh or clay -cardboard -plastic bottles or tin cans -popsicle sticks -wood -foam board -recycled materials -any combination of these things!! -whatever else you can think of
#7 Budget A budget is an estimate of expenditures for a particular period of time or certain project. How much would it cost to build the real monument in the real world?
#8 Letter of request Who would need to give permission for this monument?
#9 The Showcase How can I make my monument look appealing to parents and guests at graduation?
Your final task will be to display all of the pieces for parents and guests at the 8th grade graduation!!
What about grades? You will get the following grades for this project: Daily grades- Research of national monument Proposal and drawing of your choice monument Group letter for permission Double Daily grades- Group documentary Group scale model (This will be based on group ratings!!) Major grade- Individual presentation