Wiley CPA Exam Review Practice Software 13.0 An Overview
This is the first screen of Wiley CPA Examination Review 13.0. From here you can select which section you wish to study.
Next, enter the name of an Answer File, and select which mode you would like to be in.
This is Study Mode. Each study session is customizable. You can select to be tested on every multiple choice question in each section…
Or you can select questions from specific modules…
Or even select individual questions.
Once you have selected all the questions you want to be tested on, you can begin.
This is a typical question screen in study mode.
Clicking on the Text Link button can define terms you may be unsure of.
If the answer you select is incorrect, the program will explain why it is incorrect.
Clicking the Hint button can also help if you are stuck.
This is an example of a Simulation Question.
Clicking on the tabs will switch between screens.
In study mode, clicking on “View Answer” will show you an answer example.
This is a multiple choice question in Exam Mode.
When you have finished with the Multiple Choice question, you will be given a chance to review your questions.
Wiley CPA Software can help focus areas of study by tracking overall exam results, results by module, and even by individual question.
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