Yanjun Jiao and Colin Jones University of Quebec at Montreal 9/9/2019 Cloud processes simulated by the Canadian Regional Climate Model along a cross-section in the Pacific Ocean Yanjun Jiao and Colin Jones University of Quebec at Montreal
Cross-section of the GCSS Pacific Cross-section Intercomparison (GPCI) Focus on the cloud (stratiform, shallow and deep convection) and precipitation processes Seasonal mean of June-July-August 1998 Comparison with observations and reanalysis CRCM4 domain in PS projection Modification to the model physics of CRCM4 The eddy diffusivities calculation of the ECMWF. A switch to turn off the shallow convection. The trigger function of shallow convection (DTRH). The cloud base mass flux closure=f (w*). Variable cloud radius of the deep convection=f(wLCL). Variable minimum cloud-depth=f(TLCL). A dilute updraft ascent. Xu-Randall cloud scheme. Evaporation of falling large scale precipitation. Sponge zone (9 grid points) GPCI 2D domain (5ºS-45ºN,160ºE-120ºW) GPCI cross-section (13 points) ISCCP cloud cover (JJA 1998)
ERA40 CRCMM CRCM4 Vertical profile of the cloud cover ISCCP CRCMM CRCM4 Seasonal mean total cloud cover simulated by the original CRCM4, modified CRCM and the observation from ISCCP
Vertical profile of the relative humidity ERA40 CRCMM CRCM4 Vertical profile of vertical velocity (Pa/s)