“King Tide” on Sept. 29, 2015 Nag Marsh, Prudence Island, RI (Photo credit: Daisy Durant) “Ecosystems already under stress are likely to have more rapid and acute reactions to climate change; it is therefore useful to understand how multiple stresses will interact, especially as the magnitude of climate change increases.” Staudt et al. 2013. The added complications of climate change: understanding and managing biodiversity and ecosystems. Front Ecol Environ 11(9): 494-501.
Applying CCVATCH in RI – Pre-Meeting (Data Needs ID) Objectives: Identify data and information needs (and sources) for applying CCVATCH to salt marsh habitat Assign participant tasks for data collection and review or for expert elicitation as necessary Determine next steps in CCVATCH application process (when, where, how often)
CCVATCH Scoring Components Non-Climate Climate Stressors Stressors Adaptive Capacity CO2 Temperature Precipitation change Sea level change Extreme climate events Invasive/nuisance Species Nutrients Sedimentation Erosion Environmental Contaminants Degree of fragmentation Barriers to migration Recovery / regeneration ability Diversity of functional groups Management actions possible Human / institutional response
Exposure-Sensitivity Sensitivity-Exposure Current Condition CO2 Temperature Precipitation Sea Level Extreme Climate Events Direct Effects Invasive / Nuisance Species Nutrients Sedimentation Erosion Environmental Contaminants ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Adaptive Capacity ? Adaptive Capacity: Degree of Fragmentation Barriers to Migration Recovery / Regeneration Following Disturbance Y Diversity of Functional Groups Management Actions 8 Human/Institutional Response ù Adaptive Capacity: Conditions present in a habitat (or likely to be in future) that ameliorate the sensitivity or exposure of the habitat or increase its resiliency ?
General Process Define Goals and Specific Questions Assemble Team and Hold Pre-meeting to Assign Research, ID Data Needs Compile and Review Resources, Research, Information Sources Hold Facilitated Meetings for Scoring Review Score Results to Identify Management Actions
Resources Models Tools Expert Elicitation Site Visits Literature Review
RI Project Logistics Set scoring start date (and team assignment?) Habitat site selection process Frequency/duration of scoring sessions One/month, as needed Half day, full day Resource document build-out & sharing Bulleted lists, excerpted text Dropbox, etc.?