This is a PechaKucha Template This presentation template contains 20 slides and set to 20 seconds
How do I use this?
Replace the text with your actual content.
You may add text and images to your slides.
Each slide will be shown for 20 seconds.
It will automatically advance to the next slide.
You will be presenting for 6 minutes and 40 seconds in total.
PechaKucha presentations are concise and powerful.
You are the focus of the presentation.
Rehearse your slides using Slideshow.
If you are using a non-standard font, embed them into your slides when you save your PPT file.
Please follow the steps.
Go to File> Options
Choose embed fonts in the file> embed all characters.
This allows you to continue editing the content using other machines.
Also, please do not alter the slide size specified in this presentation. (16:9)
Save your file as pptx.
Thank You!