For the majority of us, our prayer time is too short and verbose For the majority of us, our prayer time is too short and verbose. Too much talking and not enough listening—too much head and not enough heart. -Brennan Manning
Sometimes it feels as if a majority of Christians don’t know the difference between needing to pray and feeling as though we should pray. Is prayer of true necessity in our lives? Would we forget to eat, drink, rest, breathe, or speak with loved ones? But we neglect until completely empty this spiritual necessity of fellowship with Father-God whose love and favor is the source of our very lives.
We have looked so much at the importance of joy over the past months, it would be easy to recognize the importance of joy and the relationships that are joy’s foundation and still neglect the one single relationship that is meant to be the deepest root of joy in our lives IF we are not people of prayer-- If we were not reminded daily of Jesus’ gladness at our fellowship with Him and invited into God’s own joy.
If there is any sense of fear in approaching God it is no wonder that we do not want or feel a need to pray. If we are anxious with Him, worried over His thoughts towards us, or afraid of Him for reason, we cannot have a healthy life of prayer that is glad to both share our heart’s concerns and needs with Him as much as it is glad to hear His heart’s concerns and truths for us.
To develop a habit of listening prayer, use tools like phrases or statements, remembering moments when you encountered His love and grace in life, or lyrics from a truth filled song to bring your heart into stillness and the ability to listen.