110 Nortech Pkwy, San Jose, CA 95134 January 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/1647 March 2005 Report of TGm – March 2005 DATE: March 2005 Author(s) Name Company Address Phone email Bob O’Hara Airespace 110 Nortech Pkwy, San Jose, CA 95134 408 635 2025 bob@airespace.com Notice: This document has been prepared to assist IEEE 802.11. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor grants a free, irrevocable license to the IEEE to incorporate material contained in this contribution, and any modifications thereof, in the creation of an IEEE Standards publication; to copyright in the IEEE’s name any IEEE Standards publication even though it may include portions of this contribution; and at the IEEE’s sole discretion to permit others to reproduce in whole or in part the resulting IEEE Standards publication. The contributor also acknowledges and accepts that this contribution may be made public by IEEE 802.11. Patent Policy and Procedures: The contributor is familiar with the IEEE 802 Patent Policy and Procedures <http:// ieee802.org/guides/bylaws/sb-bylaws.pdf>, including the statement "IEEE standards may include the known use of patent(s), including patent applications, provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents essential for compliance with both mandatory and optional portions of the standard." Early disclosure to the Working Group of patent information that might be relevant to the standard is essential to reduce the possibility for delays in the development process and increase the likelihood that the draft publication will be approved for publication. Please notify the Chair <stuart.kerry@philips.com> as early as possible, in written or electronic form, if patented technology (or technology under patent application) might be incorporated into a draft standard being developed within the IEEE 802.11 Working Group. If you have questions, contact the IEEE Patent Committee Administrator at < patcom@ieee.org> Bob O'Hara, Airespace Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Abstract Report of the meeting of TGm at the March 2005 session. January 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/1647 March 2005 Abstract Report of the meeting of TGm at the March 2005 session. Bob O'Hara, Airespace Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Goals for March 2005 March 2005 Integration of content from AP Functional Description SC Process any interpretation requests received Issue of draft to working group letter ballot Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Submissions Submissions Darwin Engwer: 04/639, 05/69r2 March 2005 Submissions Darwin Engwer: 04/639, 05/69r2 Simon Black: 05/209 Output of APF: 05/120, 05/105, 05/257, 05/262 Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Proposed Agenda Review IEEE Patent Policy March 2005 Review IEEE Patent Policy Review interpretation request procedure New business Submissions Continue with items from 04/801r3 APF SC submission Instruct Editor to create 802.11REVma/d1.0 Approve draft Forward draft to working group for letter ballot Interpretation Request Adjourn Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #1 to adopt Agenda March 2005 Moved: to adopt the agenda Mover: Andrew Myles, Darwin Engwer Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards March 2005 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards http://standards.ieee.org/board/pat/pat-slideset.ppt Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Interpretation Procedure March 2005 http://standards.ieee.org/reading/ieee/interp/ Send email to Linda Gargiulo (l.gargiulo@ieee.org) IEEE forwards requests to the WG WG responds Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Report from APF Group March 2005 Dorothy Stanley presented documents 05/120, 05/105, 05/262, and 05/257. 05/120 will be included as an informative annex 05/105 provides changes predominately in clause 5 05/257 will be included as an informative annex 05/262 provides description of a DS service interface Documents 04/1225 and 05/159 provide additional background information on the material in the above documents Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #2 March 2005 Moved: to adopt the text in document 05/105r4 and incorporate it into the 802.11REV-ma draft. Moved: Dorothy Stanley, David Hunter Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #3 March 2005 Moved: to incorporate the text from document 05/257r0, plus the examples from 05/159 (the result shown in 05/257r1), and incorporate it in the 802.11REV-ma draft. Moved: Sandra Turner, Darwin Engwer Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Straw Poll March 2005 Question: should we continue with the definition of the DS service interface presented in 05/262? Yes:6 No: 2 Question: How should this be done: Clause 6: 4 Informative annex: 5 Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #4 March 2005 Moved: to resolve item #71 with the text in document 05/209r0. Moved: Darwin Engwer, Jon Edney Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #5 March 2005 Moved: To resolve item #93 with the text in document 05/209r0. Moved: Darwin Engwer, Dorothy Stanley Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #6 March 2005 Moved: to resolve item #39 with the text in document 04/639r1 Moved: Darwin Engwer, Fred Haisch Passes: 7-0-6 Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #7 March 2005 Moved: to adopt the text in document 05/120r9 and incorporate it into the 802.11REV-ma draft. Moved: Darwin Engwer, Roger Durand Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #8 Moved: to resolve item #35 with the text March 2005 Moved: to resolve item #35 with the text Append to the end of the second paragraph of If there are buffered multicast or broadcast frames, the PC shall transmit these prior to any unicast frames. Moved: Roger Durand, Darwin Engwer Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #9 Moved: to resolve item #29 with the text March 2005 Moved: to resolve item #29 with the text In the last sentence of 11.1.2, replace "us" with "symbols“ and delete “for PHYs of 1 Mb/s, or greater”. Moved: Roger Durand, Darwin Engwer Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Interpretation Request March 2005 It's unclear from the said specification (802.11h) how the following condition is to be handled: Suppose you wanted a periodic quiet period after EVERY Beacon. What should appear in Quiet Count in the Quiet Element that is in each Beacon? According to the specification, a value of "1" would indicate that the quiet period is after the NEXT Beacon; and a value of 0 is reserved (not allowed). Hence the question. Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Interpretation Response (Motion #10) March 2005 Moved: Resolved that the task group considers the interpretation request is a request for consultation on the use of 802.11h and not a valid request for interpretation of the standard. We believe that it is possible to accomplish what the questioner asked using the mechanisms and values currently defined in the standard. We request the WG chair to respond appropriately to the requester. Moved: Andrew Myles, Roger Durand Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #11 March 2005 Moved: to adopt the text in document 05/262r1 and incorporate it into the 802.11REV-ma draft. Moved: Darwin Engwer, Dorothy Stanley Passes: 3-0-1 Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #12 March 2005 Moved: to update the resolution to item 13a by adopting the text in document 05/69r2 and incorporate it into the 802.11REV-ma draft Moved: Darwin Engwer, Roger Durand Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #13 March 2005 Moved: to direct the editor to incorporate the material adopted by the task group in this session into 802.11REV-ma draft 1.0. Moved: Andrew Myles, Dorothy Stanley Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #14 March 2005 Moved: Believing the draft to be complete and free of unresolved technical issues, Task Group m resolves to forward 802.11REV-ma draft 1.0 to the working group for the purpose of conducting a 40-day working group letter ballot. The purpose of the working group letter ballot is to forward the draft to sponsor ballot. The text of the motion to be presented to the working group will be “To conduct a 40-day working group letter ballot for the purpose of forwarding 802.11REV-ma draft 1.0 to sponsor ballot.” Moved: Darwin Engwer, Andrew Myles Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Motion #15 March 2005 Moved: request the IEEE 802.11 Working Group chair to make the IEEE 802.11REV-ma draft 1.0 available for purchase. Moved: Darwin Engwer, Dorothy Stanley Passes: unanimous Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Work completed Adopted resolutions to 6 work items March 2005 Bob O'Hara, Airespace
*one previous item updated *these items closed: unaddressed Summary March 2005 Work Items at start 8 Work Items added Work Items assigned Work Items closed 5 Work Items to Editor 6* *one previous item updated Work Items remaining 3* *these items closed: unaddressed Percentage completion (117 items) 97.4% Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Output Documents 05/0205r0: This report March 2005 05/0205r0: This report 05/22r2: Tracking list of work items 802.11ma-d0.6: current working draft on server 802.11REVma-d1.0: to be available soon Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Goals for May Process comments from WG ballot March 2005 Process comments from WG ballot Issue new draft to working group recirculation ballot (stretch) Process any interpretation requests received Bob O'Hara, Airespace
Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 3:30pm on March 17, 2005 March 2005 Bob O'Hara, Airespace