The Wonderful Wildlife of Samloem Hello my name is stephanie and my name is sophie. We are both ecologists and we do wildlife research on the island Koh Rong Samloem.
SAMLOEM This is the island, which you see from sihanoukville when it’s not raining. We are here today to talk to you about NATURE
WHAT IS NATURE? ANYTHING THAT IS NATURAL, NOT MADE BY HUMANS ALL THINGS THAT SURROUND US INCLUDING WHAT WE NEED TO LIVE So what is nature? What do you know about nature? ‘we write down childrens answers in the white board’ So nature is anything natural, not made by humans. It is all the important things that we need to live.
AIR SUN WATER WHAT DO WE NEED TO LIVE? There are 3 basic things that that we need to live, do you know what they are? Ask the children…… AIR, SUN WATER.
PLANTS ANIMALS WHAT ELSE DO WE NEED? But WE cannot just live on air, sun and water. We also need something else… What do you think that is? ‘write down childrens answers on white board’ We need food to liv as well…. Animals and plants PLANTS
AND FINALLY…… HUMANS There is one more very important part that we need to complete the cycle. What do you think that is? US, HUMANS
CUPS GAME Now we play the cup game, to show how it all works. ‘6 cups represent each component of the pyramid, we get a child to come and remove a part of the pyramid to see what happens this is repeated So what do you think this means? Everything in nature is connected and if we take one part away the rest above it will collapse. This means that humans cannot live. So it is very important that we look after nature and keep it healthy!
Here are some pictures of humans using plants and animals
NOW STEPHANIE IS GOING TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT A VERY SPECIAL JOB PLANTS HAVE So we know about of 3 basic parts of nature & that plants, animals and humans need all 3 to live. Now we are going to talk about one of the basic things we need to live AIR Air is very important for all living things Why do you think air is so important? “we need it so we can breathe”
WHY ARE PLANTS IMPORTANT? OXYGEN WHAT DO PLANTS NEED? So why do you think plants are so important? Well lets try something first. Everyone take a big breathe in through your nose. Smells good and feels good too. That’s because you are breathing in…… OXYGEN Lets try that again but this time you are going to breathe in then out into your hands and smell the air. Doesn’t smell so good does it? – that’s because we have taken away the oxygen and what is left is called ……CARBON DIOXIDE – when we make a fire the smoke has carbon dioxide and we can’t breathe it makes us cough. So where do you think OXYGEN comes from? Bring up oxygen on slide Oxygen comes from plants. This is because plants make their own FOOD/ ENERGY making oxygen at the same time They don’t have a mouth or hands to eat food to get energy, like animals and humans, so they have to make their own
PLANTS BREATHE IN CARBON DIOXIDE & BREATHE OUT OXYGEN HUMANS BREATHE IN OXYGEN & BREATHE OUT CARBON DIOXIDE So air has oxygen and carbon dioxide inside, it is the carbon dioxide that humans and animals breathe out that plants need to make their own food/ energy. So lets take a look at how plants make their own energy PLANTS BREATHE IN CARBON DIOXIDE & BREATHE OUT OXYGEN
HOW DO THEY MAKE ENERGY? SUN WATER AIR So how do you think they make ENERGY? Remember the game we played earlier. Can you remember the basic things all living things need to live? YES sun, water and air. SUN WATER AIR
SO HOW DOES IT WORK? Here you can see the plant, it has a stem, leaves, flower and roots. The roots suck up the water from the ground and take it through the stem into their leaves. Similar to the way the veins take blood around out body. If you take a look at your skin very closely, you will see small dots all over. We call these pores and when we are hot we sweat to cool down. We can also absorb water through our skin. Well plants leaves can do the same. They can absorb the energy from the sun and the carbon dioxide from the air. When these 3 things; sun, air and water are mixed together they become 2 things ENERGY + OXYGEN They keep the energy inside so they can grow and release the oxygen from their leaves
PHOTOSYNTHESIS THIS IS CALLED……. We call this process photosynthesis Any questions?
VIDEO OF PHOTOSYNTHESIS I am going to show you a quick video which shows you photosynthesis PLAY VIDEO So you have learnt that humans and animals need plants to make oxygen and plants need humans and animals to make carbon dioxide
MAKE 25% OF THE WORLDS OXYGEN DID YOU KNOW …….. >2% RAINFORESTS MAKE 25% OF THE WORLDS OXYGEN Here something cool about plants Did you know less 2% of the worlds land is rainforest (a habitat) but they make ¼ of the world’s oxygen. WOW now that’s amazing!!!