Training in Logsheet Data Quality For Boarding Party and new Data Entry Staff Other training that helps get people up to speed Basic observer training Having a good description of the Fishery / Fleet Observer data will be helpful for compiling this Will show data averages and acceptable data ranges i.e: trip length, set start time, av. no. hooks, av. no hooks between floats, average catches, species type and no etc. aaa
aaa “Isolating” bad quality data Logsheet Data Quality Suggest: once the data has been registered isolate it from the data management flow (i.e. scanning, entering, filing etc). Send a copy to the company and ask them to resolve the issue and keep the folder on hold until it is resolved. Slows things up at first, but in theory it should improve data in the long-term. Task this responsibility to one person. When a corrected copy is received, keep the original bad quality logsheet in a file under the company name. This will give you something to refer to before new fishing negotiation with the company. aaa
aaa Logsheet Data Quality All data fields must be filled in. Visual checks All data fields must be filled in. There is a reason each data field is there. Check the TF DCC report if you want to know the reason why a data field has, or has not been included. The information must be legible The information must be true. (There are additional database checks) aaa
aaa Train staff receiving logsheet data to Ensure all of the header details are complete It is important that the vessel name is complete and correct. Checking for missing numbers / parts of names. Having a copy of the current licensing list might help with this. It is important that the date of departure and return are filled in and correct. This info. helps to align the data and confirm the fishing effort in terms of days. aaa
aaa Train staff receiving PS and LL logsheet data to Check the main part of the logsheet Dates on logsheet should be compatible with the dates of departure and return and that every day in-between is accounted for. For every activity code 1 (set) all the rest of the required set details are filled in. Activity code 2 (a day fished but not in transit etc and Activity code 4 (port) both state “please specify” so these codes should always have comments aaa
aaa Contd Positions are best checked by database Set Start time – are they using UTC time No. of hooks - Do the number of hooks repeat consistently. Not likely to be true, encourage them to report better. No. of hooks between baskets - Do the no. of hooks between baskets repeat or are they beyond the normal range. aaa
aaa Check the species amounts Having a good knowledge of the normal catches rates Check that there is no ‘rounding’ of species numbers (multiples of 5) Check that the species amounts do not seem ‘falsified’. Look at this later. Check that the kilo retain amount seems reasonable and are comparable to the number of fish retained. The kilo retained amount should not be ‘fixed’, i.e. 2 YFT 40, 4 YFT 80. Check to see if there are any tuna discards recorded. And check if they are consistent with observer data. Species – shark catches and shark discards amounts should be believable All species – are catches and by-catch rates reasonable – need experience to do this. aaa
Look at some falsified data aaa
aaa Port Sampling Data Quality Making sure the header details are complete Check the Port Sampling Manual for a guide to check port sampling data SPC’s port sampling quality system aaa
Checking Length Frequencies combined over a longer period of time aaa