NC 711 and SR 1006 Road Safety Review Robeson County Vision Zero Task Force May 30, 2019
Our Community, Our Friends, Our Families NC 711 and SR 1006 Road Safety Review Our Community, Our Friends, Our Families Consequences of serious crashes effect us all Involves all demographics ZERO is the only acceptable goal for each of our families Fatal and serious injury crashes not unique to only NC711 and Great Marsh Church Road February 15, 2018 (first meeting at UNC-P – from resolution) declaring that these deaths are unacceptable and launching a comprehensive approach to change driving behavior and eliminate roadway deaths and serious injuries in Robeson County. Mentioned rich county diversity and pride. Fatal and serious injury crash locations in Robeson County from 4.2014 – 3.2019 (5 years) NC Vision Zero Data Maps
Safer Behaviors = Safer Community 2018 – March 2019 57 People Killed in Traffic Crashes 20 Unbelted 13 Speeding-Related 12 Alcohol-Related 29 Involved Lane Departure At the beginning of the Robeson Vision Zero Task Force, alcohol, speed, and seat belts were identified as the three top safety issues. The three deadly driver behaviors, were noted as being worse here than the rest of North Carolina (2013-2017 Data). Alcohol was in 26% of fatal crashes. Speeding was in 28% of fatal crashes. 42% of fatal crashes involved unrestrained. K Injuries from 2018 – 3.31.19 in Robeson County 202 total K+A injuries 53% of fatalities unbelted (removed pedestrian, bicyclist, motorcycle) 60.9% of K+A injuries involved roadway departure (50.9% of K) Note: Some crashes involve multiple factors NC Vision Zero Analytics – 5.22.19
About this Corridor? For NC 711 (2014-2017) Mileage 11.88 miles out of 1785.475 % Crashes 579/13,844 % Injuries 386/9,016 % Fatalities 6/175 Vehicle Exposure Annual ADT = 6,700 – 24,000
NC 711 Corridor Fatal and Serious Injuries About this Corridor? NC 711 Corridor Fatal and Serious Injuries 7/2013 – 6/2018 10 Fatal and Severe Injury Crashes 8 Fatalities, 11 Serious injuries Excessive Speed in Two Multi-Fatality Crashes 5 Fatalities, 3 Serious Injuries Speeds of 65 MPH and 85 MPH Friday and Saturday 7 of 10 Fatal and Severe Injury Crashes 13 of 19 Fatal and Severe Injuries Not at Night: 9:10 AM – 7:36 PM
About this Corridor? For SR 1006 (2014-2017) Mileage 15.45 out of 1785.475 % Crashes 139/13,844 % Injuries 137/9,016 % Fatalities 2/175 Vehicle Exposure Annual ADT (2017) =
SR 1006 Corridor Fatal and Serious Injuries About this Corridor? SR 1006 Corridor Fatal and Serious Injuries 7/2013 – 6/2018 5 Fatal and Severe Injury Crashes 3 Fatalities, 4 Serious injuries Excessive Speed in 3 of 5 Fatal and Severe Injury Crashes Speeds of 65, 75, and 85 MPH Both Fatal Crashes 1.3 Miles Apart
Road Safety Review A road safety review is a safety performance review of a road or intersection by an independent, experienced, multi-disciplinary team Observed and potential issues Considers all environmental conditions Considers all road users Road Safety Review was conducted on both corridors on April 22, 2019.
Road Safety Review Thank you to the team for volunteering their time and sharing their knowledge of the corridor and community. 16 total participants City, County, and State Law Enforcement, Public Health, Emergency Response, Education (Driver Education and University), Engineering, Behavioral Traffic Safety, and of course, members of the community. Team of 11 for NC 711 Team of 11 For SR 1006
NC 711 and SR 1006 Road Safety Review Overview of Discussions Recent or planned roadway improvements Participant/local knowledge of the corridor Observations during the Road Safety Review Potential strategies or opportunities to consider for improvement Although the RSR covered two corridors in Robeson County, there is the opportunity to apply any developments or strategies (4E) to other parts of the county. Moving Forward: Can use corridor observations, data, and potential activities as a starting point/tool to support traffic safety efforts for the rest of Robeson County. Continue to identify opportunities to implement activities/strategies.
Corridors at a Glance Representative of roads throughout Robeson County Differences in environment and traffic volumes (including non-motorists) Individual and combined approaches to consider for safety improvements Development along both corridors Existing safety infrastructure Traffic volume NC 711 very high on ends SR 1006 very low in comparison to NC 711 Existing Shoulders, warning signage, utility clear zones, superelevation in curves, etc.
Recent or Planned Treatments Proposed widening of NC 711 from North Odom Street (SR 1340) to Redmond Road (SR 1557) to a four-lane divided facility. Resurfacing along the corridor. The purpose of the project according to NCDOT is to enhance mobility for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic and to improve safety on NC 711 using a Complete Streets approach. Active Odom Rd. project at NC 711 with roundabouts and pedestrian features. New signal replacing four-way stop at Chicken Rd. in November 2016. A public meeting is scheduled for: Monday, Feb. 11, 2019 5-7 p.m. Pembroke Town Hall 100 Union Chapel Road Pembroke The purpose of this meeting is to inform the public of the project and gather input on the proposed design.
Recent or Planned Treatments SR 1006 at Rennert Rd. Converted to All-Way Stop SR 1006 Resurfacing Project Under Contract Aggregate shoulder with safety edge Select shoulder widening Long-life retroreflective pavement markings
Issues and Opportunities These are some of the safety concerns or opportunities discussed throughout the Road Safety Review. Additional growth and development expected in the area. Lumbee EMC moved from Red Springs – could result in extra truck traffic. MW Electric is coming (ComTech) Poultry plants Speed and volume tend to be higher in afternoon Increased enforcement has likely had a good impact on the area Low usage compared to rest of NC Pedestrian/Bicyclist travel (University, groceries) Diverse Community Cultural, economic, workforce, age, etc. Many faith-based institutions, especially along SR 1006 to partner with
Seat Belt Observations NC 711 597 Drivers 189 Unbelted 62 Passengers 23 Unbelted SR 1006 49 Drivers 18 Unbelted 9 Passengers 2 Unbelted NC 711 32% unbelted for drivers 37% unbelted for passengers Tints, handicap, back of pickup,
Potential Considerations Education Enforcement EMS Engineering What we heard in the discussion from participants. Throughout the Road Safety Review, participants discussed potential opportunities to consider for safety improvements based on the data, observations, and knowledge of the community. The overwhelming consideration is to keep the Robeson Vision Zero Task Force as a catalyst for collaboration and change.
Engineering Consider safety corridor signage designating the corridor as a safe zone Study and evaluate curves for any improvements Continue to identify and consider opportunities to improve non-motorist mobility and safety Opportunities to improve signage Evaluate and consider opportunities to improve pavement condition and markings Safety Corridor Signage Combined with increased enforcement, adjudication, and public outreach Curves Signage, shoulder improvements, super elevation, visibility Signage Legibility, vegetation, regulatory, warning Pavement consideration to include rumble strips/stripes
Education and Outreach Partner with local businesses on traffic safety education and outreach Partner with public health stakeholders and programs to reach the community Continue to expand “Dream Team” programs throughout Robeson Schools Goal is to increase safety attitudes and awareness.
Education and Outreach Work with local faith-based community and other local groups to support grassroots safety messaging/discussions Partner with community leaders and identify opportunities to reach specific populations of Robeson's diverse community Coordinate with NCDOT, schools, local businesses, local officials, and other partners to inform citizens of safety efforts and roadway improvements Integrate safety into existing programs
Enforcement Continue increased focus on alcohol, speed, and seat belt use. Evaluate need and supply training and equipment Multi-agency enforcement activities Train local police for ARIDE and DRE certification to aide detection and apprehension of impaired drivers Training/equipment for speed enforcement, tint enforcement Violations: Speed, aggressive driving, unsafe/illegal passing, impaired driving, no seat belt/child restraint, distracted driving, GDL violation, etc. Zero-tolerance for along the corridor that are related to high-risk behaviors that can lead to serious or fatal car crashes. Diversion programs to support enforcement, adjudication, and education
Emergency Response “Golden Hour” Adding capacity for Life Flight response Evaluation of response data to identify any areas for improvement Response to K, A, and B crashes
Thank you!