MOSCAP Non-idealities Effect of oxide charges Poly-Si gate depletion effect VT adjustment HW9
Oxide Charges Within the oxide: At the interface: Trapped charge Qot High-energy electrons and/or holes injected into oxide Mobile charge QM Alkali-metal ions, which have sufficient mobility to drift in oxide under an applied electric field At the interface: Fixed charge QF Excess Si (?) Trapped charge QIT Dangling bonds
Threshold Voltage Shift (x is defined to be 0 at metal-oxide interface) Fixed charge: Mobile charge: Trapped charge:
Oxide Charge Effect on CV Mobile ion: Trapped charge:
Gate Depletion and Inversion Gauss’s Law dictates that Wpoly = eoxEox / qNpoly n+ poly-Si Cpoly + + + + + + + + Cox - - - - - N+ - - - - p-type Si Inversion layer thickness:
Effective Oxide Capacitance, Coxe
VT Adjustment A relatively small dose NI (units: ions/cm2) of dopant atoms is implanted into the near-surface region of the semiconductor that shifts the threshold voltage in the desired direction.
The MOSFET Non-idealities Velocity saturation Short channel effect HW11
Velocity Saturation Esat is the electric field at velocity saturation: Velocity saturation limits IDsat in sub-micron MOSFETS Simple model: Esat is the electric field at velocity saturation: for e < e sat for e esat
MOSFET I-V with Velocity Saturation In the linear region: EE130/230M Spring 2013 Lecture 22, Slide 10
Short- vs. Long-Channel NMOSFET For very short L:
The Short Channel Effect (SCE) i) VT roll-off ii) DIBL ii) Degraded SS
The Short Channel Effect (SCE) iv) Punch-through
Hot carriers and SD structure The lateral electric field peaks at the drain end of the channel. High E-field causes: Damage to oxide interface & bulk (trapped oxide charge VT shift) substrate current due to impact ionization: LDD structure:
Current and voltage with Parasitic SD Resistance RS RD S D For short-channel MOSFET, IDsat0 VGS – VT , so that IDsat is reduced by ~15% in a 0.1 mm MOSFET. VDsat is increased to VDsat0 + IDsat (RS + RD)