100 Years War 1337-1453
Quick History 1066 Duke of Normandy becomes King of England 1154 Count of Anjou, Duke of Aquitaine becomes King of England 1204 King John loses Anjou and Normandy, retained Duchy of Gascony French allied with the Scots, allowed the confiscation of Aquitaine's 1337
Background Losing Aquitaine, King Edward III Challenged the French King Charles IV had died without an heir, Edward had a claim Wanted to use this as leverage
The English System Heavy Cavalry dismounted in the center Sometimes reinforced by light spearman Mass of (Welsh) Longbow man on the flanks Cavalry remount for counterattack or pursuit
Politics Edward leveraged claim to flip French nobles Made France ungovernable Forced the conflict in France These were combined with large scale Raids
Chevauchées Systematic Raids Plundering and burning of crops/buildings Aim to undermine the economy Destroy civilian morale
Aims Conquest of territory not an aim Would engage French troops if advantageous Wanted to force the French to negotiate
English Success 1346 Edward won a major battle and captured the port of Calais 1355-6 his heir, Edward the Black Prince YUGE plunder Captured the Heir to French throne
French Problems 1356-1360, chaos engulfed the kingless France Charles of Navarre revolted and took Paris in 1358 a major peasant rising in the same year Random soldiers rampaged
Treaty of Brétigny 3 Million Crowns in Ransom Enlarged, independent Aquitaine Renounced claim on French throne
Gave Peace a Chance 1369, Peace broke down due to nonsense in Spain English begin raiding, French ignore them French/Spanish coalition begins Raiding England By 1375, French had regains much of Aquitaine By 1380, both sides were tired of fighting
1399, Richard II deposed Orleans and Burgundy slide into Civil War over rule of France New English King, Henry V intervened.
Oh, Henry In 1415, Henry V invaded Met the French in Battle at Agincourt
The Speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-yZNMWFqvM&t=10s
The Battle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDnKciXrmnc&t=452s