Income Withholding form and issuance
Income withholding order (iwo) page 1
Iwo page 2
Iwo page 3
Iwo page 4
Iwo page 5
3 format Types of the iwo Paper IWO- printed by FSR print vendor or at a DOCGEN station in the county. Web IWO- employer creates an account on the CSS website ( When an IWO is issued the employer receives an email prompting them to log in to their account. Electronic (e-IWO)- employer signs up with OCSE to receive their IWO through a electronic flat file.
How are IWO issued? Auto Issuance Tech Initiated National Directory of New Hires State Directory of New Hires National Quarterly Wage Data State Quarterly Wage Data Tech Initiated
Ia menu option a or direct command lstwa
When is the date on the lstwa screen populated? Paper IWO- the date is populated once the FSR print vendor sends back an acknowledgement that document was printed. Web IWO- when the employer clicks on the acknowledgement button after downloading the IWO. Electronic- when the employer sends back an acknowledgement through the e-IWO flat file.
Maintain active iwo screen
Iwo xmit status Paper and Web- status will be NA-Hard Copy E-IWO 11- Pending and will transmit the next day 20- Not acknowledged 30- Acknowledged 40- Rejected (employer received the IWO but cannot implement it. The rejection reason will be in chron)
Best practice to create an iwo Search for employer on the employer table Update information if needed. Do not update in CASEMAIN. Use FSR Employer ID to verify employment on CASEMAIN option C or direct command APEMPL Go to the IWO screen
Volume 6 rule When we receive application for a case with an existing order the arrears verification process must be followed before we can enforce on any arrears. Initial IWO will be issued for current support only. An amended IWO will be issued once the verification process is completed.
New ssa contact/response policy Contact local SSA office Document contact in chronology with the SSA person’s name, office and other details Allow at least 31 days for a response/resolution. Make a 2nd attempt, allow another 31 days Make 3rd attempt, allow another 31 days If still no response/resolution submit a problem log to the ACSES Helpdesk Chronology must show all contact attempts including the person you spoke with and the office contacted
New procedure when Issuing an iwo termination on an inactive ssa iwo Reactivate the IWO Inactivate the IWO and select “Y” (yes) to issue the termination. Allow the IWO to transmit electronically, Do not print unless SSA asks for a paper copy. If no action taken by SSA follow process in previous slide
If you need to contact SSA to ensure they received an IWO before starting step 1 you must ensure the IWO transmitted to SSA electronically. Go to the IWO in ACSES and make sure the XMIT status is a 20 or 30. If it shows NA-Hard Copy submit a problem log to re-send the IWO. If it is a 40 then go to chron and search for the reason SSA rejected the IWO. If the XMIT status is 30 we should expect payment the following month after the IWO was accepted. If no payment then you may want to contact SSA to find out why.