1 San Antonio BRAC 2005 Update The Communitys Support for BRAC 2005 Implementation Presented by James Henderson Office of Military Affairs City of San Antonio February 16, 2011
2 The Office of Military Affairs (OMA) is the single point of contact for the City of San Antonio on military and Base Realignment And Closure (BRAC) related issues. Mission: To prepare the community for challenges and opportunities associated with BRAC-related growth. To work with the military to sustain and enhance mission readiness. To develop and institutionalize relationships between the community and the military on issues of common concern. Duties: Work with local community leaders Provide staff support to the Military Transformation Task Force (MTTF) and its committees Work in coordination with the military and the community on issues of common concern. Community Support for BRAC
3 Fort Sam Houston Growth Management Plan What is a Growth Management Plan (GMP): A tool to provide findings and recommendations to assist communities with BRAC or military related growth Purpose of a GMP: To identify findings based on studies of critical issues and develop recommendation the community can use to mitigate any potential problems and take advantage of opportunities Opportunity: Leverage BRAC growth at Ft. Sam Houston for revitalization in the Eastside Community Support for BRAC
4 Fort Sam Houston Growth Management Plan Overarching Objectives Leverage BRAC Positives Mitigate Negative Impacts Scope/Focus Areas BRAC Economic Impact Health Care Delivery – Trauma and Clinical Training Transportation East Side Neighborhood Revitalization Community Involvement Community Visioning Session to develop study questions and engage public. Seven Sessions; 341 Participants Delphi Sessions with National Experts Community Support for BRAC
5 GMP Study Area 4.7 square miles Community Support for BRAC
6 Study Questions: 1. Supporting BRAC 2005 Growth at Fort Sam Houston Fort Sam Houston Off-PostOn-Post Transportation Infrastructure Plan SAMMC Public Transportation Fort Sam Houston Neighborhood Revitalization and Redevelopment Fort Sam Houston Commercial Revitalization and Reuse of Army Property 2. BRAC 2005 Impacts on Healthcare Sustainment of Health Care Services (Level-1 Trauma Services) Military Clinical Training
7 South Fort Sam Houston Study Area GMP found that the study area has: Pedestrian facilities that are incomplete, inadequate and inaccessible. Neighborhood mobility links that are inadequate or nonexistent. Public transportation that is inadequate. Activity centers that are lacking. Degraded housing and infrastructure, poor streetscapes and poor lighting create an unsafe environment. No public libraries within the study area. Community Support for BRAC
8 Major Findings/Recommendations: 1. Healthcare BRAC will not have a detrimental affect on Level-1 trauma due to expansion of SAMMC-N and University Hospital. Local hospitals will be able to assist the military with their clinical training but greater coordination is needed. Community Support for BRAC 2. Neighborhood Revitalization Action Program Housing Action Program Public Safety Intervention Action Mobility/Connectivity Action Business/Development Action San Antonio Eastside Education Action Program Workforce Action Program
9 Fort Sam Houston Community Development Office Fort Sam Houston Growth Management Plan Implementation TeamWorks with the community and military to revitalize local neighborhoods near Fort Sam Houston through economic development, housing, mobility and public safety initiatives. Procurement & Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) Provides a variety of tools and services that assist local businesses in identifying government procurement opportunities and to compete more effectively for local, state and federal contracts. Workforce Solutions AlamoAssists spouses of incoming military personnel with employment opportunities in San Antonio. Community Support for BRAC
10 Community Support for BRAC
11 Fort Sam Houston Area Projects Community Support for BRAC
12 Community Support for BRAC Transportation/Infrastructure Improvements: Walters Street Bridge Improvement over IH-35--$22.6M (TxDOT) Walters StreetIH-35N to FSH Main Gate--$13.7M (CoSA) Fort Sam Transportation Projects--$13.6M (CoSA) Fort Sam DrainageBridge Crossing over Salado Creek (CoSA Bond- $8.7M) Walters RoadE. Houston to Paso Hondo--$2.46M (CoSA) Broadway CorridorDrainage Project near Hildebrand ($9M CoSA Bond) CPS Energy On-Post Infrastructure Support--$4m to $6M Walters Street Infrastructure--$1.3M (EDA Grant) Community Commitment$76M
13 Contact Information: James Henderson Office of Military Affairs