November 28, 2012
To date we have migrated a little over 2,500 accounts Goal is 4,000 by the end of the year We process about 300 accounts a week A very manual process – pre and post migration steps Issues: 1,500 a day [impacts those who do mass mailing] Slowness – there are steps that can improve access time Directory – includes Students, Faculty & Sta ff Update on Office 365
Office 365 Migration Progress Executive Area MigratedMigrated (%) Not yet migrated Not yet migrated (%) Total Academic Affairs % %2070 Administration & Finance %42.07%193 Athletic & Recr/Spec Programs &Projects %12.38%42 Enrollment Management % %109 Gov't Relations & Public Affairs % 00.00%24 Student Affairs % %84 University Advancement %624.00%25