2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) HIV Care Services Group
2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates Overview HOPWA: Website Updates HOPWA: 2018 Program Form Implementation Date HOPWA: Monitoring Tool Updated HOPWA: Monitoring Sample Size Guidance HOPWA: New Webinars Available on TXTRAIN HOPWA: New Service Category 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates Website Updates 2018 Program Manual and Guides; 2018 Program Forms in English and Spanish; A sample program file with completed program forms Reporting Documents; and Con Plans, Annual Plans, and CAPERs. 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
2018 Program Forms Implementation Updated forms add support for the new Facility-Based Housing Assistance Service Category Included new data entry error- prevention mechanisms in response to file review trends from last year. Full implementation was required by 02/01/18. Complete the entry. The tracker cannot include nights of assistance that belong in the next six-month period. Payment cannot exceed cost. Check-out date is less than or equal to check-in date. The tracker cannot include duplicated nights. The tracker cannot include duplicated nights assisted. 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
Monitoring Tool Updated Updated to account for new Facility-Based Housing Assistance service categories Substituted the CPD Financial Management Curriculum for the old HOPWA Financial Management Training Course The file review tab visually and functionally disables items that are not applicable Percent Files Reviewed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 100% Yes 86% No 79% 57% 64% 71% 93% 50% N/A 0% 75% 36% 80% 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
Monitoring Sample Size Guidance Starting in the HOPWA 2018 (02/01/18 – 01/31/19) program year, the HIV Care Services Group will adopt the following sample size guidelines for HOPWA file reviews and will require Administrative Agencies to use the same guidelines during their own HOPWA file reviews: Unduplicated Households Sample Size Guidelines 1 - 20 = The lower of the total files or files 21 50 25 randomized files 51 100 30 101 + 40 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
New Webinars Available on TXTRAIN Two additional HOPWA webinars are now available on TXTRAIN HOPWA: Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Requirements HOPWA: Facility-Based Housing Assistance 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates New Service Category Starting in the HOPWA 2018 (02/01/18 – 01/31/19) program year, DSHS is authorizing a new service category called Facility-Based Housing Assistance (FBHA). Generally, FBHA is separated into three supportive housing categories for populations with special needs: Short-Term Supportive Housing (STSH); Transitional Supportive Housing (TSH); and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH). However, the DSHS HOPWA Program currently limits the use of FBHA to STSH and TSH services. 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates STSH Household must be homeless Obtain documentation of what you are paying for and who you are paying Housing Quality Standards Certification Facility-based service starts Pays pays necessary minimum costs for temporary shelters (hotels and motels, too) 60-day/assistance cap tracking Interim recertification (if necessary) Move to permanant or transitional housing/cap reached Service ends/service outcome recorded TSH Household must be homeless or at risk of homelessness Rent Standard & Rent Reasonableness Certification Rental assistance calculation Pays subsidy for current rent (sometimes utilities) 24-month/assistance cap tracking Interim/annual recertification Accept Housing Choice Voucher/other affordable housing 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
DSHS HOPWA FBHA Service Model DSHS HOPWA Program Facility-Based Housing Assistance (FBHA) Short-Term Supportive Housing (STSH) Single-Site Owned Operating Costs Leased Leasing Scattered-Site Transitional Supportive Housing (TSH) Project-Based Rent Assistance Master 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
Approvals and Certifications If a Project Sponsor owns single-site or scattered-site facilities and will use FBHA to provide residence to households, DSHS must obtain a certification of approval from the unit of general local government in which the facility is located before the Project Sponsor may provide FBHA services. Certifications Excluding STSH payments to independent temporary shelter vendors, Project Sponsors that want to provide FBHA must provide the following supportive services certifications to the AA: Who will provide the services? How will the services be funded? What are the provider’s qualifications? 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
Environmental Considerations If a Project Sponsor owns or leases single-site or scattered-site facilities and wants to use FBHA to provide residence to households, the Project Sponsor must comply with Environmental Review procedures. Excluding STSH payments to independent temporary shelter vendors, Project Sponsors may not provide FBHA until a responsible entity has completed the environmental review procedures required by 24 CFR §58 and the Request for Release of Funds (RROF) and Certification have been approved by HUD (where such submission is required). NOTE: DSHS Project Sponsors cannot use DSHS HOPWA Program funds to acquire, rehabilitate, convert, repair, dispose of, demolish, or construct property. DSHS Project Sponsors may only undertake activities determined to be exempt, categorically excluded not subject to §58.5, and categorically excluded subject to §58.5 where the proposed activity converted to exempt. Project Sponsors must consult with the AA and the AA must consult with DSHS to identify all environmental compliance actions for each proposed activity. 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
Additional DSHS Requirements Excluding STSH payments to independent temporary shelter vendors, organizations that want to provide FBHA must collaborate with the AA to develop a comprehensive proposal and service delivery model. Proposals should address core FBHA components, including, but not limited to: Fiscal & operational capacity Funding sources & sustainability The type of facility Program & property management Program & house rules Compliance with fair housing laws Target population & occupancy plan Staffing & supervising Service capability & delivery Roles & responsibilities Affirmative outreach & marketing Other facility-specific considerations 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates
Thank you 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates Blade L. Berkman, LMSW HOPWA Coordinator, HIV Care Services Group Texas Department of State Health Services P.O. Box 149347, MC 1873 Austin, Texas 78714-9347 P: 512-533-3075 F: 512-533-3172 E: blade.berkman@dshs.texas.gov 9/12/2019 2018 Ryan White Part A/B Meeting: HOPWA Updates